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Posts posted by wjones852

  1. On 27/01/2024 at 14:57, FUN4iMonsTer said:

    Yes, one solution I found was to delete the LOGOS folder for nations and copy the flags folder. Having two flag folders, the difference between the two folders is in the .xml file. I'll leave prints below so you can understand better.



    Thanks buddy, that's clever! I can imagine how that works - wondering though, would that not affect the other panels that use the Nation logo folder? So I could keep Logos folder for Nations and still do above to suit both needs?

    I will play around and test when home later - thanks again

  2. On 23/01/2024 at 18:43, FUN4iMonsTer said:

    for example, if I go to the xml file of the flags and replace the "FLAGS" word with "LOGO" the panels show the flags 



    Hi @FUN4iMonsTer hope you're well - did you ever figure this out? I'm trying to switch the nation logo with the nation badge/logo on club over panel and others but I don't know the right code or picture id and can't find anything online - thanks buddy

    Alternative solution is to find a list of all items ids that should work so will try that tomorrow if not - got a champions league final to play.... ;)

  3. Hi All - I need some assistance, I'm using the Vince Skin but for some reason on this skin only it shows Nation flags instead of the Nation badge logos (which show on all other skins) on Player panels, club panels etc.

    Any idea how I can change this and in which panels or widgets etc. - I checked all the player panels but can't identify exactly what to change - as far as I know I don't have the flags as a graphic in my files, only the nation logos so not sure where they're being pulled from (maybe default FM files?) - see screenshot below:


    Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 11.57.29.png


  4. Don't worry lads - found it - instead of having the option in your inbox item like last year it's hidden in the scouting centre - FYI for anyone else who is interested: Player Search > Scouting Centre > COG icon > Advanced filters button and then deselect the news icon for whichever news items you do not want to receive - my gripe was for full scouting report

    This will stop every scouting assignments report on each player becoming a single news item, instead of just keeping to the weekly/monthly scouting report - I don't even really use my scouts for anything other than players I find personally but anyway, problem solved,

    Thanks for the quick replies earlier. Happy Football Managing to you all! 

  5. Hi, massive fan love the game have played it for years but on this years version I can't seem to receive my scouting inbox messages in a list as one message

    Instead my inbox is flooded with an inbox item for each report for each player

    Last years version you could get one message and sort the reports by a list

    Has this feature been removed or am I missing the option somewhere?

    I have checked everywhere can't find anything. Please advise. Option is really useful as it's annoying to have to read through 10+ different scouting messages for players when you could have it in one as a list just like last year

    This refers to the main message inbox, not the scouting centre - it slows down my ability to continue the game quickly and I'd rather not have to mark message as read or read each one individually 

    Suggestion is essentially like Outlook when managing your emails, filters would be useful to filter out certain messages - thanks


  6. Lovely simple skin. Pretty much just undone the only changes worth making to FM 2022 to make this game as good yet again ;-) 

    Come on SI let's have a more updated match engine next year, it's still very much the same. The rest I understand doesn't need much done but that would be a worth upgrade. I still buy it and love it because it is, after all, the best football game on the planet. Here goes another 1000+ hours (not that they will read this) :)

  7. 2 hours ago, Sh@rk said:

    You have all the answers in your titlebar.xml.

    Search text : panels\generic\titlebar search panel.xml

    Calendar/date : panels\widgets\current game date widget.xml

    Continue button : panels\generic\continue.xml

     Thanks but I'm quite useless at all this, are you able to provide guidance on the code I need to change to make the text secondary for the calendar

  8. Hi you wonderful talented people, I've been trying to edit the skins I use and I've settled on what I have so far, except I am unable to make search and calendar text secondary colour or any other colour

    I tried editing the main settings xml and all the widgets, titlebars, headers etc. but can't seem to figure it out or find anyone who has managed to on here (example below) -  Thanks so much - shout out to @michaeltmurrayuk for all his help, you are the man, I have used your assistance for years, legend.




  9. Hi all - thanks so much for the great work

    Has anyone figured out how to replace the white text on search bar and calendar white text when you have coloured header/titlebar in FM 22? I've tried editing all the relevant xml files but without success - this only affects those with white (or bright) primary club colours

    Thanks again for any assistance

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