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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks guys. I think Bust the Net is uploading something sometime soon aslo. He uploaded some images of exactly the sort of thing I'm after on his X (twitter) a few days ago so eagerly awaiting that .
  2. I just wanted to start this thread because I've looked all over the net and can't find a good article that explains what people look for in opposition scout reports and what they adjust in their tactics to help them get the upper hand In matches. I'm hoping people will share some tips and tricks in what they look for and how the implement that in game to help me and maybe other football mangers who would like to improve thier game management. Thanks and look forward to some good insights into this...
  3. Brilliant ill take a look and looking forward to the next article 👍. Thanks
  4. Hi Cleon. Great post btw. Really enjoyed reading it. Are you planning on continuing the articles on view from the touchline ? I'm interested on hiw you prepare for matches using the opposition scout reports and exploiting weakness etc
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