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Posts posted by e-gised

  1. 6 hours ago, Hildor said:

    To be honest they where so useless on 21 that I didn't even bother to hire if i didn't have one already, that is unless you're going for a more realistic playthrough. 

    Hoping in 22 they will be useful considering the scouting changes. 

    I like to have an as much as possible realistic experience..

    Altough i can scout myself as well, i want my staff to find the next gem before the other teams do :-)

  2. Got a few questions regarding the new version coming on..


    1: are there going to be a lot of changes in comparison to the 2021 version?

    2: is there an option for more staff this year? (3 scouts werent enough by far)

    3: is there a fix to loaning out players? I wasnt able to loan out my players so i had to dump them in my affiliate teams wich sucked)

    4: the player value's, in my game everyone is worth 150+M even for ordinairy players..



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