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Posts posted by genesimmons

  1. Quick question: Are there any obvious mistakes with this type of setup?

    Fluid, Counter

    TI: Shorter Passing, Work Ball Into Box, Play Out of Defence, Push Higher Up, Lower Tempo

    GK (GK - def)

    DR (Full Back - sup), DC (CD - def), DC (CD - def), DL (Full Back - sup)

    DMC (DM - def)

    MR (Winger - att), MC (Deep Lying Playmaker - sup), MC (Advanced Playmaker - att)

    AML (Winger - att)

    ST (Deep Lying Forward -sup)

    Playing an "ironman" game at the moment, and I'm in the middle of the season, so wouldn't like to experiment too much. :)

  2. Off the Ball is as you say: the ability to make runs, move off the ball to get open for passes, and positioning is as you say also, the defensive version. Anticipation is defined as the ability to "read" the game or the play as it is developing. It would work with off the ball like so: player is good at losing his marker or timing his runs and can get into space, but if he's anticipated where the play is heading wrongly, he'll be in acres of space with no pass to receive :). Poor example, perhaps, but that is the essence of it.

    So, basically, Positioning is useless for players not involved in defending (pochers, advanced forwards, trequartistas, inside forwards, adv. playmakers. etc.), so is Off the Ball for Central defenders?

  3. After pre-season I tick the rest day after match option, and use regular rotation, and not much else. My training workloads are at very heavy, but I don't have a lot of problems. I keep a regular squad of about 18-19 players, plus I will bring in a prospect. Now and then I have to play a tired player, but I haven't had the jaded set in at any point.

    I really avoid very heavy workloads. My players always seem to get long term injuries when on heavy/very heavy. Now, this just might be a subjective feeling, I haven't really tested if it's true. But I still put my players on medium, or should I say - at least on medium, and at most on medium workload.

  4. How do you guys deal with congested schedules? Do you rest your players manually, or give them a day's rest after the game, or just let them recover on their own? I always seem to have trouble with player conditions when I play every 3/4 days (i.e. before I get kicked out of cups).

    Oh, and by the way, my training looks like this: general training - balanced/low; match prep at 10%; individual focus on high; no resting days. Overall it gives me medium workload.

  5. Top quality stuff.

    What I enjoyed reading the most is about how you build your team. Actually, I don't find that to be the most useful part of the guide, but I really enjoy reading about how people go about building their tactics. The ideas behind it, and all... So, if you find time in the future, perhaps when you start a new save, to write about that more, it would be really appreciated.

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