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Everything posted by woodsy1983

  1. Not sure much change was needed to the match engine anyway. Seems to play okay in my saves.
  2. To be fair that result could easily happen in real life the way Wednesday are.
  3. Is it okay to say I really like this year’s game on here? I don’t know if there’s to many goals or not and if there is I’m not to fussed anyway. Think I had the depth unhappiness issue once but quickly resolved it and not seen any other issues. Every year the game gets better and even if it was just literally a database update, well worth the price.
  4. Naturally you get more complaints than positive feedback as most people only speak up if there is something wrong. There might be issues in my save with to many goals but I’ve never really paid attention as not to fussed either way and if there is then really not sure how it matters? Sounds like it’s happening for all teams so not just affecting the user therefore to say it’s ‘unplayable’ as some have said is a lot of hyperbole!
  5. Just to add some positive feedback. I think the game is great, coming up to end of my 3rd season. Only experienced the keepers issues once but was start of season so just loaned one in for cover. The only squad unhappiness I’ve had was due to a lack of depth at centre back (which I realise some people do have an issue with but in my instance it was probably justified). I do find that any time a player asks you for something just be honest, if you’re not going to give a player a new contract then tell him that. The ‘plenty of time left’ is always a good one or ‘we can’t afford to give you one at this time’. More often than not they do work but if not, then just sell the player if they kick up a fuss. If you’ve no intention of playing a player tell them that. If they don’t like it then they can just leave. Seems to call their bluff a lot of the time as well.
  6. Not usually unless there’s anything literally making the game unplayable (not just unplayable for someone who has a different view of something).
  7. You know these are set by researchers for each club so the Barcelona and Spain researcher would have done Gavi for example then the Liverpool and English researcher would have done Harvey Elliott. You should take it up with the researchers for those clubs and countries.
  8. Can see a lot of shattered dreams coming when the update doesn’t change the bug that is affecting them!
  9. I 100% would. The amount of time I would get out of the game makes it more than worth it. Also, I have no idea how to download these database updates but do they even include updated player attributes? Not being the legit thing doesn’t sit right with me.
  10. Not sure which game breaking bugs people have but I’m actually happy with the game as I am every year. Not really experiencing any issues. Still nice to have the new update though just to get a more up to date game world.
  11. Do you not need to assign a scout to actually carry it out? on my assignments screen it has the scouts listed on the left hand side and you click on each one to give them their focus assignment.
  12. It’s a lot more fiddly now. It’s under recruitment focus I think (not online at the mo to clarify but it’s the one where it lists your scouts on the left hand side) at the moment. You click on each scout and set all your criteria and one of them is where to send them.
  13. I must have just glazed over that although on the next page someone confirmed that’s the minimum so if you want 3-5 star players then select 3 stars.
  14. I didn’t have to define a PA or CA when I sent my scouts off. It did take me a while to work out assignments on this one though.
  15. Maybe attire then? It’s definitely there somewhere as I managed to change mine.
  16. You can select earrings on the accessories and the first one is no earring and then select left ear.
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