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84 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Completely agree with the OP. I get any manager can be sacked if they're in 5th but expecting to be in the title race, however context is everything. In my save he was 5th in November BUT was only 3 points off the top 4. There is no way he'd be sacked IRL in that scenario. So people can defend the lack of nuance all they want but that really took the realism out of the game for me. As detailed as the game is, it's annoying that it didn't pick this up. Seems like it just looks at position in the table without looking at any other factors. What if you're lower in the table but have like 3 games in hand. Furthermore, something else which is stupid is the scenario where a manager who is just about to get promoted to the premier league takes over a club that is about to get relegated from the premier just because they have a slightly better reputation. When has that ever happened in real life? SI dropped the ball with that one
  2. Seems to work if you select evening only to stop the game but I want to see the fixtures as well as the results
  3. Thanks but I want to show the fixtures in the morning, then the results in the evening.. that doesn't seem to work at all
  4. Not sure.. I have people who were transferred on the 01/07/2023 and 07/07/2023 but they are in different transfer years?? It's annoying, plus it makes the profit/spend for that year on the transfer page misleading. I think maybe the 01/07 is the cut off of when new contracts etc are signed
  5. I have, although I feel a few people have already raised this issue
  6. In the screen flow options where you select to see fixtures and results of competitions you're not involved in, the settings do not work in the game and haven't for some time. The below screen flow settings should give me the premier league fixtures but they don't
  7. I want to see fixtures and results of competitions I am not involved in, but every time I set up screen flow it doesn't work. Anyone have a definitive set up to show fixtures and results of any competition?
  8. Now into the second season 2023/24. Looking through the clubs in my leagues transfer history, transfers that happen in June which are new because its a new window should be part of the 2023/24 transfer happenings but they have been continued onto the 2022/23. So I have to look at the 2022/23 screen for June transfers and 2023/24 screen for the July, August, September. I know it's a small thing but it really annoys me, and has been a thing for years. How hard is it to just align the transfer summer window to one time period for continuity.
  9. Again, I'm not really talking about human player injuries, talking about AI injuries in general. Guarantee if you were to look right now at your league and other leagues and look at the injury tables page you'll have a number of teams with zero injuries or 1 on average
  10. I'm not really talking about users injuries, I'm talking about AI teams injuries. At a glance in my game the premier league has 17 injuries La Liga 25 French League 17 Serie A 29 bundesliga 18 So that's an average of less than 2 injuries per team. You cant tell me that's normal. and its happened for the last few years. Injuries used to be more realistic than that. but i guess people must have complained they were getting too many injuries and that's made realistic AI injuries suffer
  11. There's barely any in all leagues. I know that si cut it down to 80% from real life but this is not the case. In the premier league 11 teams have zero injuries. thats not 80%. Just seems way too unrealistic
  12. Just crashes for a second then reverts back to launch
  13. I mean obviously it is as its a thing but is there still all that silly soft, hard, medium etc that was a lottery to see which one you got.
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