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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Tinkered around a bit with this last night and might have come up with a makeshift solution: take control of managing u18 friendly matches, schedule a friendly match as the next upcoming fixture for the u18 and it allows you to create a new tactic for the u18s EDIT: this didn't work. when i returned control of managing friendlies i went to check and the tactic wasnt used.
  2. This is what i've experienced alot of the time with players, but with players at lower CA. When it comes to players with high CA for their level i kinda think it makes more sense that they wont really develop alot, but when players are at a low CA for the level they are playing at (and training at), i think progress should be a bit faster. For example, a 20/70 CA/PA player should be able to progress at lower league level of facilities/coaches pretty regularly but maybe a 60/80 CA/PA player would need a higher level of environment to progress further. Atleast rougly, i dont know if the numbers make sense but you guys get the point i think.
  3. Thanks for the response! I do agree that player development in the past may have been too certain and predictable, and neither do i expect my regens to be first team ready at 18. I have also had players progress at lower levels in fm22 but, never without first team matches. my main issue has been that teenagers who arent yet getting first team matches wasn't developing at all (apart from jumping reach due to physical growth), which isnt really realistic. Real life players at youth teams low down in the divisions do improve between 15-18 playing just youth leagues, despite poor facilities and coaching. My theory was just that the tweak compared to pre-22 progression was too harsh on the lower levels that training alone basically had no effect. I did buy the game now to see for myself (cause who am i kidding right ), but just out of curiosity, how much did your DM play in the first team those seasons and what division were you in?
  4. I've been craving this game again and trying to decide wether or not to buy fm23, but i have some reservations as i was very disappointed with fm22 due to the complete absence of player development in lower league youth teams. I usually only do youth challenges, and therefore a big part of the game for me is being able to develop my own players from age 15-18 until they are ready for the first team. In fm22 i found this to be basically impossible and even though i soldiered on for 4-5 seasons i never saw more than maybe 1-2 points gained in total across 60ish players. To clarify, im fully aware first team experience is vital for player development, thats not what this is about. im talking about the stage before that, where player development of course also should occur. i've read some patch notes and see there have been some attempts to fix this but no clear conclusion wether or not this has worked based on reading other threads, so my question is; is FM23 any better in this regard? Would be very grateful for your input!
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