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Posts posted by tonskudaigle

  1. Managing a team in Finland. Am a club legend and we've won 5 titles in a row, established as the clear top team in Finland with £90M in the bank, spending 20% of the given wage budget and we've 5* training facilities and junior coaching and 4,5* youth recruitment. But since the stadium was given a go a few seasons ago and was finished a bit over a year ago, I've only been able to upgrade youth facilities to 3*. The last upgrade was about 2 years ago. It's the only time I've been able to do it in the past about 5 years.

    I wouldn't mind spending money on players from outside, but the HG rules are so strict here that I'm forced to buy in max 18 year olds from abroad, keep them in the country and then get them to be HG. Club HG is very hard because we dominate the seasons so much that they're bought eventually by clubs in bigger leagues and I can't force them to stay beyond their 3 year contracts when they want to leave.

    I've taken the club far. Despite managing in Portugal for nearly a decade, the Finnish top league is 17th in competition reputation (originally in the 50's or so).

  2. Absolutely love this. Has a few small kinks, but it always comes down to preference so I can live with them or change them myself if possible or if I know how :D

    Anyway, the player popup has height and weight, but it seems to be set in red color so it's unreadable with some team backgrounds. Also I think the | used to separate them is a bit offset and could be replaced with a simple & too if needed.

    That's my two cents. Keep up the good work!

  3. On 11/11/2021 at 13:04, FMEnhanced said:

    I will look into this. Unfortunately, some of what you requested would not work. Making a responsive panel as complex as this required a lot of time. It's not other skins where they just put everything in a box and say "only for 1920x1080".

    The height of the top section has been specifically set. Changing it would cause absolute chaos and so I advise against it.

    The labels were used as an adaptable element so that when the stadium became too tall and distorted the image, the labels would appear to fill some space and keep the aspect ratio of the stadium.

    With responsiveness, it is a balancing act. I tried to give everyone as much important info as possible, while sacrificing as little as possible. Clicking on the stadium name, takes you to the stadium page where you can view all info regarding the stadium and so not all is lost.

    The the club overview view, I'm thinking the rivalries, favoured personnel, icons and legends can be made in to one panel. Right now the Key Players takes too much room, I'd substitute that in a second. That info is always just 4 players so the size is static pretty much. If there's problem to include the estimated values, rivalries and personnel etc, then perhaps add a scrollbar? Maybe make the Key Players part possible to substitute to something else and place that info in the bottom left by default. Estimated value should(?) fit fine in the top part under Continental Competition info, without affecting responsiveness too much. I mean for example Media Predictions can be found in the competition review info anyway.

    Anyway, great job so far. We all have our preferences so it's hard to please everyone. But the panels make skins so modular that's at least a bit easier =)

  4. On 02/12/2020 at 14:53, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    That's the Player Attributes Screen, your Screenshot was of the Profile Screen they are two different screens you can select from the Overview drop-down (and the Default option can be changed from the preferences menu).

    Extra columns aren't really possible whilst supporting lower resolution users.

    Updated versions are on the list for FM21 (after Match Screen Mods and Light Skin).

    Oh I see, that explains it. I've never used the attributes view myself so I just didn't realize this. My apologies :)

    On that note though, I attempted to increase the height of the details panel myself, but just can't get around it. See the hg status and due date being a bit cut off:


  5. On 30/11/2020 at 12:19, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    @tonskudaigle That is exactly how the skin is supposed to look, not sure what you are wanting? If you want the profile changes they are on the Player Attributes panel not the Overview one, whilst for the Club Overview screen you can change what content is shown in the panels by selecting the drop-down arrows in the top right of the panel, though only the top three can be changed due to limitations of the game.

    I was just looking at the opening post and figured this is what I'd get as for the layout goes :)
    I just really love the left side player profile. Though I think you could fit a third column there to span all the way down with bio, milestones and career stats. But that's just me.

    Thanks for the skin though, I really like the material colors too so it's a shame I can't get it to work as I thought it would be like out of the box.

    I did however get the Resource Archiver to work finally. Had to do some badass reinstalling though.


  6. I really can't get the panels to go in place. My Mint20Dark looks like a minty dark version of the default skin :seagull:

    And for some reason Resource Archiver doesn't open up through Steam or Explorer either. Believe me, I've tried.
    Attached is what I got. So it's not looking the way it's supposed to. I've simply downloaded the dark version, extracted the folder to skins folder and picked it up, but nope. It's not working.

    Can you please help me?



  7. Where would I find the panel for editing the Competitions view with all competitions my team is participating?

    I can't seem to find it anywhere and it's bugging me that the league table is scrollable even though there's room on bottom of the view.

  8. Would be nice to have an index of some sort, but I get that it's a ton of work. And the chance of some of that information changing can lead to wasted time.

    What do you mean "for widgets"? I mean yea I suppose since it's basically just the header for a fetched information (text as you said). Am I correct?

  9. I've not done any skinning in the past, but this year I took a bite since I haven't found a skin that would satisfy all (or even close, though Ethan's Fusion DB 0.4 skin's quite close and I'm using it currently with my own small modifications) my needs and had a look around a bit. I've managed to do some simple changes to player popup and whatnot, but many ideas have been crushed by the fact that I just don't know the IDs of different sorts of information that can be fetched.

    So my question is basically this:
    Is there a list of what IDs there are that can be used OR is it more a hunt from the extracted panels folder using for example Notepad++ with "find in files" and hope to find what you want AND use the community forums to ask for certain bits hoping they'd know?

    There just isn't a clear logic for the 4 letter IDs that I've come across so it's impossible to figure them out yourself too.

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