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Posts posted by Danielkirby

  1. I wanted my winger on the right to stay wide, I figured that and attack duty at right back would make him cut inside too often and I didn’t want that.

    I’m no expert at this game, my tactic was tinkered with over 20 seasons at the club I’m at now and we’ve only consistently started winning the league in the last 5 seasons.... lots of trial and error!

  2. 18 minutes ago, summatsupeer said:

    Too high? Why would they be too high?  Yes they would position higher, not help as much defensively and take more risks, but if your asking your lone forward to try to make runs in behind the defence, he will need help.

    I thought they might be too high and then too far away from my midfielders to link play... but I suppose by having them on support, maybe they aren’t supporting the striker properly?

  3. 5 minutes ago, summatsupeer said:

    If you've noticed that, thats where I would start.

    I love the CM-At but not with a DLF-At who will be pushing defences back so the CM-At can't get up or past him. Advanced early runners need space and fast attacks to use that space, does he have space to attack? Is the ball moved quickly enough to use it? Does the forward have anyone helping make space for him by stretching the defence or are all those support duties too deep?  The CM-At might as well be a BBM type of player who wants to work the deeper area and arrive into the box later.  Maybe a wide forward should try to get forward earlier to help the DLF earlier?

    Alternatively changing the duty of the forward could create more fluid movement by not pushing defences deep so quickly and making it easier for the CM-At to get up to combine with him.

    Whichever option you take I doubt one or two role+duty changes will fix everything but getting good combinations of roles+duties should give a great base.  Then just have to identify the next issue such as ball movement, transitions or defensive issue and focus on fixing it step by step.

    Thank you, I thought about using DLF(s) but would he still be a goal scoring threat?

    I picked support duties for the wide players as they are already high up the pitch by default and thought attacking duties might push them too high?

    I did have my IF on attack duty but changed it, thinking it would reduce the amount of wasted long shots he was blasting wide.



  4. Any help would be appreciated with this.

    I’m Arsenal, finished 6th two seasons in a row and I’m struggling to be consistent... the big teams tear me apart, I beat the majority of the weaker teams (apart from the odd shock result)

    I want my goals to be coming from my striker mainly but with the Inside forward, winger and cm(a) too.


    i find that the cm(a) seems to just be running into the same position. As the DLF(a), the IF seems to cut inside and just take long shots which most of the time just go wide, the winger gets a few goals...... the DLF(a) struggles, he got 20 goals last season but 5 or 6 of those were penalties.



    Any pointers in the right direction would be great!


    thank you

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