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Everything posted by goalash

  1. Case study: My team is leading the league very comfortably. My forwards - AML, SC, AMR, in some cases also an AMC - are not great at pressing opponents. Their Bravery, Work Rate and Stamina is not great. Yet, in come cases the tactical standpoint nearly screams for a high press: either while playing a weak team or a team with defenders often losing posession and not having a great season in general. So: I don’t really have the players to press, but it makes all the sense to press at the very moment. Approach A: I set the opposition instructions to Close Down More on my targets of choice AND raise the Line of Engagement to High Press (only if I’m pressing at least 2 enemy defenders). Approach B: I set the opposition instructions to Close Down More, but keep the Line of Engagement at Mid Block. I’m super keen to hear your thoughts.
  2. There are two aspects I miss in FM (both statistic-related, not in-game mechanics): 1: I’d like to be able to see Secondary Assists in the individual player performance summary. I know we have the Key Passes stat at out disposal, but it’s not exactly the same. 2: In the honours section, both player/manager or club/nation-related, I can find out which competition had been either won of finished as the runner-up. As third-placed teams always receive medals as well, I’d like to see that aspect added to the section. So: Winner, Runner-up, Third-placed.
  3. Sometimes it makes much more sense to tell a wide player - such as a winger, full back or inverted winger - to move into a channel instead of a central player, but the game doesn’t allow that for some reason. For instance: in 4-1-2-3, I’m utilizing a lone striker, two wingers and no AMC’s. I’d like the striker to remain central, the full/wing backs to stay wide and the wingers/inverted wingers to move into channels, but I can’t. I could teach them a PPM, but in order to even have that option available a player has first to be familiar with either the AMC or SC position. Gonna take ages this way. Are there any known workarounds/PI combos to force a wide player to move into a channel? For instance: stay narrower + get further forward, get further forward + roam from position or something? Thanks!
  4. Hey, please excuse the delayed answer. I've uploaded the saves using the cloud service. The file names are: Menna Wolsza - NIU (v02).fm Menna Wolsza - NIU (v02)3.fm Menna Wolsza - NIU (v03).fm
  5. I started a new save in Poland (one active league). By the end of the third season, I won the treble and decided it’s the time to move on. Added new leagues with the Add/Remove Leagues tool: Czech Rep, Austria, Greece, Netherlands, Russia, Hungary and two more - so 9 active total. I received a job offer from Czech Rep, took it. With the season starting in a month, the club has the total of 7 first team players and zero key staff hired. There’s no way to do anything in few weeks if you can’t even technically scout any players (no scouts hired). This happens despite the Add Players To Playable Teams option ticked and the Do Not Add Key Staff option unticked in the Advanced Setup section.
  6. The training tab of the tactical familiarity screen tells me that Mr Conrado is perfectly familiar with the Winger (support) role as a left midfielder. The tactics screen tells me that Mr Conrado is NOT familiar with the Winger (support) role as a left midfielder. Which one is right?
  7. Secondary Assists is in my opinion one of the most overlooked stats in football. For those of you not familiar with the concept - it’s an ice hockey-inspired idea where a goal can be assisted by up to two previous touches - if the ball is under a total control of the attacking team. If the defender collapses and the striker scores, the goal is unassisted. Event chain - 1: Player X passes to Player Y; 2: Player Y passes to Player Z; 3: Player Z scores a goal Stat count - Player X: +1 Secondary Assist; Player Y: +1 Primary Assist; Player Z: +1 Goal In my opinion this stat absolutely belongs in a game like Football Manager. I wish it was there already.
  8. @Justified I might be approaching the matter too mathematically. I sort of expected the d-line position to be a precisely fixed point on the Y scale. As in: Lower at Very Defensive - 1, Higher at Very Attacking - 10. I feel that’s kind of how the width works, so I find it odd that it’s different with DL/LOE.
  9. Interesting. I sort of thought that Treq’s „Roam From Position” removes this issue, as he’s going to be all around the place anyway.
  10. So, I came up with this formation. On paper it suits almost everyone and I’m getting some decent results, but for some reason the IW constantly fails to perform. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, like blocking his movement routes with other players? Thanks. TIs: Counter, Slightly Wider, Slightly Higher Tempo
  11. Wait: I’m aware that the lowest d-line on Positive is always higher than the lowest d-line in Balanced. What I’m asking is: is the lower d-line on Positive higher than the higher on Balanced?
  12. In other words (e.g.): Balanced’s mid block = Positive’s low block; Balanced’s Standard d-line = Positive’s lower d-line. Correct?
  13. @Cleon I see. That makes total sense. Does going to a higher Mentality in FM 23 also affect both DL and LOE? The tactics screen is pretty unclear in this regard.
  14. So, everyone’s advocating how you should compress the space and have your DL one tick higher than your LOE. I do get the merit of that. But what if your front line is comfortable pressing higher up, but at the same time speed of your defenders is pretty average? While I understand that going with DL: lower and LOE: high makes your players run and press all over the place like headless chickens, what about the: DL: normal / LOE block: high setup? Can it work? Additional question: I can see in the Out of Posession tab, that pushing my LOE higher while leaving the DL as it is creates a visible gap between my defence and midfield. Should I deploy a DM in order to reduce the gap and make the system work?
  15. @dcayton9Are you by any chance planning on updating this mindblowingly awesome guide for FM 23? Most importantly: the new Out Of Posession Team Instructions?
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