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Everything posted by Iwabik

  1. Same here, this is the first time I've ever refunded a game. And it's not even about the game being particularly broken or bad, as I believe there were releases in worse state before. The lack of changes from beta to full release was the final straw for me. And while I get that ME is 'complicated and not easy to fix', I just don't see a point in taking part in another early release that pretends to be a full version. Thank you very much, but from now on I'll consider buying after the final patch when the game is finally fixed and also half the price.
  2. Oh wow, what a disappointing release. I was looking forward to playing some FM after work today. Now, I'm looking forward to finding out if Steam counts beta playtime to the 2h necessary for refund instead...
  3. It's been god knows how many years since United were any good and yet again, they are amazing in FM. Surely, somebody in research team is a big fan
  4. I don't know if I'd say there are more dribbles but you can definitely tell whether the player on the ball is actually any good at dribbling. The new animations work very good. I've only plaid 16 games so far, but I am yet to find anything about the ME that annoys me or is obviously wrong and immersion-breaking (apart a bug here or there, obviously - beta). Generally, I'd say the current ME is at least as good as FM22, probably better and it has huge potential. It definitely feels more like a football than 22. As for IF/IW - I don't know. I love a winger cutting in, but they really didn't do anything in 22. I found out that playing with 3 strikers and 2 of them being Trequartistas actually works like I intended to, so currently I'm trying that in 23 and it's been working so far. Oh, also, outside the ME, it feels like basically the same game. So yeah, I'd say wait for the demo if you can to decide yourself if it is worth the price.
  5. Few matches in, I'm loving the ME so far. Few bugs here and there, but that's to be expected in Beta. Outside of the ME though... feels like I just chose different skin. Edit: One extra thing I forgot to add: I feel like due to new animations, you can finally see a difference between a good dribbler and bad dribbler. The good ones keep the ball a lot closer and make more 'precise' touches, which is great, because so far good and bad players looked virtually the same in ME.
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