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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hi @Zachary Whyte Yes, I have a save file for May 22nd. Uploaded the file File Name: Pratik Sangle - Unemployed (v03).fm
  2. I encountered a bug in my save game, my league season is stuck on last season as I had played 1 game less due to postponements. However, that game never happened and my league season never ended, the game isn't scheduled in the future either and my season is stuck while every other league has a new season. Attached save game file and screenshot Save file name: Bug.fm
  3. Hi, In my save, I cannot offer better wages to my players or any players that I sign this window. The game won't let me offer better wages even when I have lot of room in the wage budget. I cant upload the save file as it is larger than 9.77 MB PFA screenshots
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