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Everything posted by 6499red

  1. That's awesome! might have to give this a go again given that my short run this year got interrupted by life
  2. select them and assign to the scouting pool I think it comes under 'national team'
  3. 2022/23 Season Update A pretty dire season all told, we were in free fall for most of the 2nd half of the season. A 1-0 win due to a penalty against Corticella in the last weeks of the season made sure of us finishing above them - not that it was particuarly deserved. So we avoid last place by the skin of our teeth, and relegation only by the fact that this databse has no relegation from Serie D. Not being relegated feels like a bit of a cop-out, but as I play on a laptop and Eccelenza level is just too many leagues for me - I will have to accept my 'divine intervention'. I could alternatively restart - but given we're predicted dead last @ 250-1, that would likely not stave off 'ficitonal' relegation anyway - so my current plan is to continue with this save in its current form. I don't really see the point of saying any more, as I expect to see a large turnover of players this transfer window & hopefully nest season is much different. Also, if I can't get 6 points from the first 5 games next season - I'm sacked - so we will have to see if I survive. The national team, somewhat unsurprisngly, is doing even worse. from here on in I expect to put in minimum effort for a few years - as the players just are'nt good enough.
  4. yeah I was thinking about changing that too but alas worried it would mess up playability in the long term - would need to test properly
  5. Based nation of Victor is San Marino ... so most regens will have some form of Sammarinese nationality
  6. depends what setup you're looking for, but I think most of them are somewhere on this thread / we have copies of them I've attached my fix for Victor & SM Academy incorrect nationality changes (make sure it loads last) - for anyone that wants it (would need a new game) @ChiccO could you put it in the front post? also the Victor in serie D too? as I play on a laptop so eccelenza adding 10K players is too much. - make the challenge more accesible. x san marino player nationality fixes.fmf
  7. @Ronaldo Beckham i see youve updated your youth recruitment a lot - is that beneficial or not? - as i thoughtit would mean youd get more players from further afield who arent eligible for the National team?
  8. on second thought, not too sure how / what to do to nationality rules in the editor, given the complicated nature of the system and the game being more basic; https://www.sanmarinosite.com/en/infos/citizenship/ tldr; I dont beleive the in-game nationality rules are completely correct, but leaving them as they are is at least reasonable and helps ensure playability in the long-term. I also did a year-long test, and by May 2023 none of the players that should'nt be able to have chaged their nationality to Sammarinese, so changing their "date of moving to based nation" for players that play in the Italian league for clubs with San Marino as their based nation seems to fix it. Might need to do this for the San Marino Academy, too - although I didn't notice this happening to any of their players yet.
  9. I think I may have found the problem with Victor players switching nationality at the start of the game. In the editor, their based nation is Italy, despite the club being based in San Marino. I think when the game starts their based nation changes to San Marino as they play for the club but their "date when moved to based nation" (i beleive, havent checked ingame editor) does not change. As this is (usually) when they were born, it would put them over the San Marino citizenship requirements. therefore, setting the "date when moved to based nation" to *roughly* when they joined the club (Victor) in the editor should fix the problem also in the editor the nationality rules (as per english Wikipedia - is this right?) are incorrect. it is 30 years & no dual so ill fix that too. I've made a file but want to test a little more this evening/tomorrow.
  10. may well join at some point! getting harder to keep myself away
  11. Don't have time to keep the thread updated much these days, so if yous want to start a new one for fm23 (or use this one) that's cool If I don't do that, maybe I'll squeeze put some time to play! I reckon just write Acheivements in each of our posts rather than the front of the thread because updating takes too long (bar the really high level ones)
  12. Seems like a cool idea, considering doing something like that myself - upping a point seems very fair if there is relative sucess!
  13. We've now recovered to our natural position of 20th in the National League, above 21st (relegation) on goal difference. I must admit, it is starting to feel like a bit of a dead end / boring given that this is the 3rd season in a row with no change, and a board that seemingly has absolutely zero ambition, yet will very likely sack me if I get relegated ... anyway. Esp when I am getting offers from clubs in much better situautions ... i will have a think and maybe come back to this save at some point in the future
  14. Not the guy that comitted to replacing me, but this still came through ... will I still be at the club come the beginning of the season? He also seemed to take a £300k loan and invest enough money so we are £170k in the green - meaning I "helped repair financial damage" but still have an E rating?
  15. Truro City 2025 Board Update So my super-stingy chairman is looking to step down ... lets see what this brings ... So if one group takes over, I lose my job - also, it seems if i don't perform another miracle this season and keep the club up again, I could well also be out of a job in any case . We will see how this goes ...
  16. Truro City FC 2024/25 We survived by the skin of our teeth once again - by goal difference. Once again, we lost on the final day and needed our opponent to lose to an already relegated team (Dulwich Hamlet this time, who came up with us). To be honest, we were even luckier than last year, managing to survive with 7 points less than previously and a goal difference double as bad !!! We will not survive next season unless I can strengthen considerably - which looks unlikely, given the state of my scouting. The squad is relatively similar to last season - with mainly loans coming in. Even our best players at 4* are still only leading VNS/VNN players - and we are struggling to recruit, due to; 1. Isolation / Distance to most of the UK 2. Reputation. We are 4th lowest of the VNL (2 of which got relegated), and below 11 VNS/VNN teams. 3. Finances. We are still Semi-pro, and our wage spend of £352K p/a is 3rd lowest, and is set to decrease as i am currently £1600 p/w over budget (after renewing expriring players on reduced contracts - many around 25-40%!) This is due to the dire financial situation the club finds itself in Even I could only get a new contract 1 month before expiry - after applying for other jobs! Progress
  17. Truro City FC 2023/24 It is, quite frankly, a miracle that we stayed up. Having won 5 games at the beginning of the season, we then were absolutely abysmal from then until the end of the season - only surviving by the skin of our teeth. Going into the last day, we were equal on points. We had Dag & Red away, while Scunthorpe had the dead and buried Darlington (also away). We tried to attack, but only managed to score 1 while conceding 3. Therefore, our survival was only secured by Darlington's surprise victory vs Scunthorpe ! Over the season, I first used a 5-2-1-2 vertical tiki-taka which was so sucessful last season, but we became unable to penetrate the better teams so I also used wing-play systems more towards the end of the season. one of the main tasks for the off-season would be evolving the tactics for the new season alongside recruiting the players for those systems. Of note; - Kouakou is one of our own youth products (who has scored for France U18s) , and to me it feels like he has had more of an impact that the numbers suggest. He is however, slow and not progressing very much at the moment. - Will Dean (our star player from last year) left for Grimsby for £16.25k, which was a big loss. He was actually on loan at Darlington, and in the team that saved us from relegation vs Scunthorpe - so there is at least some value to that - I have actually spent money on players (i didnt want to) but necessity made me as the selection of players that have some interest in joining at this stage (let alone are good enough to impact) is vanishingly small - I wish I never let Jayden Ali go (was non-contract, should have offered him one) was a very dependable backup midfielder or wing-back who always put in a shift - Most loanees were recalled because I did'nt play them enough - but Rhys shirley did have some decent games up top with or instead of Akheem Rose
  18. Truro City FC - 2022/23 Surpassing all expectations in the league, we managed to get promoted. Beginning of season, we were expected to finish 14th, but it improved to 6th as we strengthened. . Desite these low expectaions, we were actually in 1st place for the majority of the season - losing 1st place to some shaky end of season form, but managing to win the playoffs, to avert tragedy. As mentioned, I strengthened an already strong squad, managing to keep all of our top players. Some of these players (Harvey and Dean) were even rated good enough for the National League as soon as the game began. There was a reasonable turnover, although the players that played the most games were mostly already here or signed very early. I did have some difficulty in recruitment as players are unwilling to locate large distances for semi-pro football, meaning most of my players are either from south-west England or south Wales (Truro being rather isolated both geographically and as the best Cornish team)
  19. Captain Hook invades Cornwall ! Captain hook has invaded cornwall, while for some reason showing extreme interest in their football team - and has chosen to manage them. (i did previously have a save, but I lost the most recent file so lost an unknown amount of progress, and it has been so long i feel no connection)
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