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Posts posted by ozzyoscy

  1. I've been inspired by this thread to set up my own country. After about 10 hours on the editor plus a couple of weeks of thinking about teams and structures, I'm getting closer to having something playable.

    I created the country of Tontuga (still not convinced about the name) which is a large island lying off the coast of Africa. It replaces Sao Tome & Principe in the database and is a volcanic island that replaces it on the map but is probably 50 times bigger in size.

    I imagined that this island was settled by British, Spanish and Dutch explorers/settlers in the past so the island still holds some links to those countries even now Tontuga is an independent country in it's own right. There are four provinces/states which the country is divided up into, two are British (Esk and Elizabeth) plus one Dutch and one Spanish. They are split geographically by a volcano (Monte Patista) in the centre of the island.

    So why does the volcano have a Greek name and an Italian title? :cool:

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