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Posts posted by Lokoise

  1. Hi there,

    For an update project, i wanted create regional playoff league and promote the best team. That's works, but the season line for domestic league (in history) is missing for this teams.

    So I created an update quickly to test a similar and less complex format :
    - Division 1.
    - Division 2 - A and Division 2 - B (with promotion playoff).


    I tested that with Basic Rules and this is the same result... When i switch the type in "Cup", the domestic leagues is ok. But i want to make a league, not a cup !

    In this playoff (see screenshots), Brest and Montpellier don't have there Domestic Leagues history but have there Honours... it does not make sense.

    In Advanced Rules, i tried to force the addition of the history, and tested various configurations, nothing helped.

    I think this is an editor bug since this is the case with the basic rules, but if anyone has a solution that would be great !




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