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149 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. Sorry, what question are you responding to exactly? You’re either seeing the issue or you’re not, I’m not even sure what point it is you’re trying to make.
  2. Hi all Currently playing in the Vanarama South, 3 seasons in. Took some time to have a proper look around the leagues to see what’s happening around the world in my game, and was quite concerned by some of the transfer business. The main issues I saw were a) AI clubs (mainly in the prem) spending millions on players, then selling them a year later for half what they bought them for; and b) AI clubs buying multiple players in the transfer windows but then never seeming to play them (for example West Ham have bought about 5 players in game and almost every one of them fails to start even 10% of games) I can sort of understand issue A to an extent. Premier league clubs often overpay for players given the money they have, which quite often leads to a loss a year later when it doesn’t work out and they decide to sell. But something just seems really off this year compared to previous and feels a little bit immersion breaking. Is anyone else seeing this or similar issues?
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