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Posts posted by Skarasne

  1. It's probably too late to influence the developers but I created an account just to ask for full match viewing!

    Like others have already said, it's the perfect way to analyse the team tactics, see who needs to be subbed, what formation/strategy to counter etc.

    Also, I would love to see individual training in the list of changes, so that we can target strengths and weaknesses whilst creating the perfect team.

    Do not need this. Watch the numbers, its a numbers game. You see who is making an effort involving themself in the match and not. Im sure u understand if a player has 50 passing and another one has 20 that one of them should be subbed. Same goes for tackle and shooting. If u have allot of passing and your striker have low shots, well i hope u understand what to do then. If it would be up to me, remove the hole 2d match engine and use the memory on something more fun and realistic.

  2. I really hope the unrealistic aspect of the transfer marked and demands from AI teams is sorted out.

    Exemple, If a team got a player and they do not use him. Normally these players would be sold in real life for less money then a player that is wanted and regularly used would be sold for.

    Instead the AI demands as much money from the player they dont even have on their bench as they would if he was their star player. Marc, please fix this issue.

    A last thing. Which is mega important. INFORMATION on how each role actually works. Perhaps its time to make some sort of information about them if they are an attacking/def role. Exemple, wing backs, they are in the defensive line but and attacking defender. So my question is, do i see these roles as attacking or defending? Fullback are an defending role, but then again there is nothing explaining if WB actually are a attacking role or not. So if i wanna make a formation with 4 attacking, 4defending and 2 neutral roles i dont even know if i end up with 6 attacking roles or 6 defending roles.

  3. My ideas might be mentioned above but here they go anyway.

    1.) Marking system, please! Zonal marking, YES/NO. If no, then its a man marking system.

    2.) Please remove men behind ball. Wast of an option, if someone disagree then please tell me when to best make use of it.

    3.) Information text explaining how exactly pressing, offside trap and counter attack really works in game. Like it is right now, my understanding of how lets say offside trap works might be very different from how it is programmed to work. So please, more detailed information regarding how easy option is behaving so users know what they are using when playing. Like pressing, is it pressing when defending and attacking or only attacking.

    4.) Way better explanation on how each role behaves.

    5.) Individual training. Set of skills players can train, like diving often, do skilled moves, sissor kicks etc. make a list of 20-30 different set of skill which will effect matches.

    6.) More realistic bidding war. Ive seen Manchester City spend over 200million pound in one summer, then outbidding me by 40million pound on a player. Give the AI managers a fixed number of game money to spend, not a penny more. (City did not even sell a single player).

    7.) Focused style of play. Down flanks, Through the middle or mixed. Let us choose where to focus our play please. I often see a left back play poorly, and without this option i can not put extra pressure on this player to make goal leading mistakes.

    8.) Match engine need a mega rework. Majority of the users all agree on this, hopefully SI staff agree´s with us on this matter.

    9.) penalty shootout needs to be fixed. not only the shooting stat should count in here. Nerves play a huge role in a penalty shootout, if you are the first or last shooter etc.

    10.) Counter goals, please fix this. Big teams are insane when it comes to hitting u on counter goals. I was managing Man Utd playing away to Man City, beat them 0-5 by

    only playing defensive with counter attack. To easy and enjoying when it happens against you. AI tend to change tactic way to often during a 90min match. Cant enjoy a match without every 10 game min where you have to stop the match and check your opposition tactic.

    These are the ideas i have for now.. i know i have others but i can not remember those ideas.

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