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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Always Newcastle

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  1. @knap Any chance of a new set of 424/442 underdog and overpowered tactics but without a pressing forward?
  2. Settled on this with Newcastle, smashing teams at home but struggling away
  3. What are the top 3 Leicester tactics please mate I can’t get on google docs
  4. Been using this with Crystal Palace and it’s been amazing, just moved to Newcastle and started building a better squad, and that’s why obviously going to get stronger and stronger, what tactic would you recommend after this sort of the next step?
  5. Can you post download link for top scoring Underdog and Mid Table 4231 @knap please My google docs isn’t working
  6. Need a home attacking tactic and slightly different away tactic for Newcastle @knap Maybe a 4231 home attacking and a solid 451 away?
  7. EF 4231 P MC P101 EC FA POSS 62% Its amazing honestly and I love dominating possession for the OCD in me
  8. Absolutely love your possession tactics @knap hope you drop some more soon👍🏼
  9. What would you recommend for Newcastle first season? Tottenham or Aston Villa tactics? or maybe something else? @knap Ideally looking for 4231 or 451(which I know are worse performing) I can’t get into the 424 meta this year or maybe haven’t found the right one
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