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614 "The Dude abides"

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  1. A little QoL change I noted that I liked- end of season meetings/preseason meetings no longer still feature players who are on loan or leaving before the new season and thus should have no opinion/input on plans and promises for the next season when they won't be with the team. Nice to see. I've also had quite a challenging but fun experience seeing off a squad mutiny in my current save- I was bought in by Wolfsburg off the back of some success I had in France and clearly my rep wasn't enough to satisfy the players and it showed- it was noticeable my every decision was met with much more pushback than it would have been at my previous club and I had to stand tall, eventually selling two or three of the key rebels to restore order. It did leave me walking a tightrope though and knowing I had to be very careful about not upsetting anyone else in order to restore harmony. None of it felt OTT or unrealistic and it presented a nice challenge.
  2. Totally agree shouts need reworking as they seem totally devoid of any context outside of the current score with a little bit of whether your favourite in the match sprinkled on top. The fact you'll get an almost universally positive reaction from 'encourage' if you're drawing 0-0 but a universally negative reaction if you're winning 1-0 is just a bit silly. They also reflect a wider problem that the language used in FM sometimes feels written by someone who has never had an interaction with another person. In what world does it make sense for a shout of encouragement to leave a player 'uninterested' if you're 1-0 up?
  3. I'm a bit skeptical about values in the game but I totally agree with this. The same player at a club in the Hungarian Premier League and at Liverpool should absolutely have different values as the amount they'd cost to sign from each club is obviously going to be different. This is an area of the game where it has vastly improved over the past few years, as you'd previously get tiny teams demanding £30m for their top young players, despite the fact you could likely buy the whole club for that amount of money.
  4. Is it though? I'm struggling to understand what benefit there would be to a player not telling their current club if they have any interest in staying. I'd argue it would be more realistic to get more information from agents in these situations- something along the lines of 'my client is interested in staying but club X have offered us x per week, just an FYI.'
  5. Firstly, no problem with a bit of disagreement- we all like to play the game differently. I'm not looking to autopilot- far from it. I certainly wouldn't want the game hand holding and telling me 'to beat this team you need to do this.' What I'm looking for is a bit of useful context so my options aren't either watch matches on full or make total stabs in the dark as to what is/isn't working. I'm watching on comprehensive highlights so I'm not skimming. I just personally don't have endless hours I can commit to the game and the more the game nudges me towards having to watch chunks of the match on full highlights in order to make tactical decisions then the longer each match takes. I'm just not interested in a situation where if I have a couple of hours to play I'm only getting through one or two actual matches. It doesn't even need to come in the form of assistant advice- I come back to the fact a couple of years ago the game showed you heat maps and similar during the match. This was useful as it meant I could at least get a bit of basic information- is opposition pushing up, is my lone striker too far up the pitch and getting isolated etc etc. None of these things told me 'you have to change this setting or instruction' but it gave me a useful starting point.
  6. @Cloud9 @wazzaflow10 I do appreciate you taking the time out to give your thoughts. However you're (perhaps inadvertently) somewhat backing up what my biggest issue with the game is and what I was trying to highlight in my initial post- namely that the game itself should be giving me more information to inform the decisions I'm making, rather than me having to come on here and post a tactic. I'm not asking the game to hold my hand and tell me how I can win each and every game. But I feel like my coaches and assistances should essentially be acting as my eyes and ears and feeding back on where we're struggling in game. Just a couple of lines in the dugout like 'Bastia are sitting deep so we're struggling to find space in behind' or 'Bastia are playing very narrow and letting us have the space out wide.' Neither of these things are telling me what specific instructions I should change but they are at least helping inform any changes I make. In previous versions you could see heatmaps and other information during the match which was really useful- it could inform if I had a player who was getting too isolated or if the opposition was playing very deep or narrow. Now I have to wait until half time to see that and the general response is 'watch the full match.' I've no interest in watching full games. The day that becomes essential is the day I stop playing as I just don't have the time or the desire to dedicate that sort of time to a game.
  7. So just to add an example of this. I'm managing Ajacco here, we're in good form (6 wins in the last 7 games) playing Batista who have won two of the bounce following a run of 10 games without winning. We're 4th in the league, they 14th. We have one of the best attacking records in the league, they have one of the worst defensive records. At the 36th minute stage of the match it's 0-0 and I've managed one shot on goal. Ok, this happens some times. I wonder if there is any insight into what is going wrong? My backroom staff have helpfully pointed out that we've only had one shot. They're also claiming we've created some chances from set pieces (which as far as I can see means 'we've won a couple of freekicks that have led to nothing.') The visualiser is telling me that all our attacks are coming from the flanks (I'm using a wing play tactic so this isn't a great shock) but no insight as to why we might be struggling in the middle of the field. I'm sure there are folks who are smarter than me who can look at this and immediately diagnose the issue. I'm not one of them and it leads to a very frustrating experience that I'm provided absolutely zero insight to help me consider some potential tactical tweaks. I shouldn't need to spend hours on a forum getting a PhD in tactics to be able to make an informed guess as to what I need to change.
  8. Very minor bugbear of mine. Valencia have just approached me for an interview (I didn't apply) and the second question is 'You've done some highly impressive work in your current club, why do you want to leave?' Err, you approached me? I'm talking to you to find out if I do want to leave. I'd love to see some differences between interviews for jobs I've applied for and interviews for jobs where a club is actively looking to poach me.
  9. I'd stopped playing for a while as I'd grown bored of my long term save. I've recently tried to start a new one and my main feeling about FM24 is frustration because the biggest issue with this game is the same as it has been for 3 or 4 years in that the game offers players absolutely no useful feedback. Backroom staff are beyond pointless. The only reason to hire coaches and assistants is to take training sessions and make sure players aren't unhappy. From a tactical or squad management input though I might as well have hired my four year old. Have you considering demoting your top scorer to a squad player for no reason? Have you considered dropping your most inform defenders for these players I like? Then when you get into a match it is somehow worse. I understand sometimes teams shut my tactics down but why can't my staff give me any insight into why? If I'm 30 minutes in, against a team I'm favoured to beat and I've managed one shot on goal, where is the insight? Are the opposition sitting too deep for my longer passing to exploit? Are they man marking my playmaker and dispossessing them with ease? Are they shutting down passing lanes forcing my defenders to go long? Who can tell? Certainly not my staff. They might suggest I try and win some set pieces though.
  10. The issue wasn't them spending money- it was the profile of players it was going on. Bassey is 24 and was 22 when signed. In game I've seen Ajax spend big sums on players who were 30 or older when a quick glance on transfer market suggests the most they' spent on a player in that age range was Geronimo Ruli at £8m.
  11. Yes this is something I'd love to see. It breaks immersion to see a team like Ajax going out and spending £20m+ on players who are aged 30 and over.
  12. I'm assuming this is a bug and I'll raise a report but I just had a goal VAR reviewed reportedly for offside, directly from a corner. Obviously wasn't disallowed but I think it would be pretty much impossible to be offside straight from a corner?
  13. While I appreciate the finger guns, I think saying someone providing feedback in the feedback thread is 'clogging it up' is a bit rubbish. You're the mod though I guess...
  14. I have seen an option before where a players asks for a new contract and you can say 'even if I wanted to the club can't afford it right now' but that is pre opening talks.
  15. While I see your point I'm not sure it is the best use of time if I'm clogging up bug forums with stuff I don't actually believe are bugs. The xG thing for instance- I don't think it is a bug that needs fixing, I think it's largely a situation where morale is a bit overpowered and the game isn't great at providing useful feedback for the player. This isn't something I'd suggest meets the definition of a bug and I'd wager you don't actually think it is a bug either.
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