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Posts posted by .KaZe.

  1. Il y a 11 heures, kevhamster a dit :

    Yeah, these ones should be good.

    One last question : looking at the 2nd model you recommend, I see that there is a version with 32GB RAM instead of 16GB for 515€ (it's 565€ but there is a 50€ coupon). Would you advise me to spend 70€ more for this model or the difference of 16GB RAM will hardly be noticeable when playing FM ?

    The model with 32GB of RAM is this one : https://www.amazon.fr/AMD-5600U-DDR4-SSD-Performance/dp/B09YVC49R5/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=mini%2Bpc%2Bgamer&qid=1675877944&s=computers&sr=1-5&th=1

    Thanks again for your help!



  2. il y a 9 minutes, kevhamster a dit :

    These are basically laptops without the attached screen and keyboard based on the internal specs.  Both are decent though, and the second one of the two is slightly stronger in terms of CPU.

    Looking on Amazon, I can't see anything to beat them at the price.  I'm not aware of other websites you'd use in France to buy computers though so I've not looked around outside of Amazon.

    Thanks for your opinion :) I have the impression that not many people know about these mini computers even though they have very good properties for the price offered. Indeed, you have to add the screen + the keyboard + the mouse but you get, I think, 600€ all included with descent material to play FM.

  3. Hello everyone !

    I'm looking for a new computer to play FM on, and after years of playing on a laptop, I wanted to switch to a desktop computer.
    While searching a bit, I found some "mini computers" with interesting performances. I wanted to know if you had any opinion on these mini computers ? And if you had some to advise ?
    I found these 2 models that seem interesting:



    Otherwise, do you have any ideas for a "classic" computer for a 500€ budget?

    Thanks in advance !

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