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Daniel Wells

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71 "Houston, we have a problem"


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    Sports Interactive QA

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  1. If you have examples of no interest with less than a year where you would expect the player's to be interested please upload a save and we can review. Thanks, Dan
  2. Are you able to upload a save showing the issue? Ideally from just before this occurs. Thanks, Dan
  3. The 'Ongoing' priority should cover this. It doesn't impact the amount of players recommended, but means the focus will take longer and continue to run, meaning players your scouts didn't find right away may be found a second or third time around. Thanks, Dan
  4. National league and below players wage demands were slightly inflated generally and is something we are reviewing to get the balance right. Thanks, Dan
  5. Hi @Warre10 That one is not by design but is something we are aware of. You should still be able to manually add those players to the planner though. Thanks, Dan
  6. Please raise in it's own thread with a save game showing the issue. Thanks, Dan
  7. If you have encountered a gameplay bug with a certain scout report, recruitment meeting, news item or squad planner, then it is really helpful if you can provide a save game from before the event occurs if possible. It's really helpful for us if we can reproduce an example reported as quickly as possible. Screenshots are also very beneficial in helping us understand the issue. An example of the ideal way to log a gameplay bug can be found below. Title – Scout recommends Mbappe to a League 2 team - Playing as Leyton Orient and scout suggests Mbappe as a possible signing - The scout report generated on the 3rd of August 2022 - Save game attached on the 2nd of August 2022 Steps to Reproduce - I have uploaded a save game called "DanWells_Mbappe_Scout.fm" - Save game will load on the 2nd of August 2022 - Continue the game one day - Select ‘Scouting Centre’ and note report card for Kylian Mbappe appears Any screenshots can be attached to the thread. All save games should be uploaded to the cloud service. Files Uploaded to OwnCloud - If you're providing us with save games, screenshots or any other file which is useful for the bug, please make a note of it in this section so we know what file to look for. Would also recommend using names which are relevant to the issue and ideally include your username. If it's a generic name such as Milan.fm for instance, it may be we have a number of files with the same name uploaded, which makes it harder for us to locate yours. Details on how to upload can be found here -
  8. If you have encountered a gameplay bug with a certain transfer, scout report, or news item, then it is really helpful if you can provide a save game from before the event occurs if possible. It's really helpful for us if we can reproduce an example reported as quickly as possible. Screenshots are also very beneficial in helping us understand the issue. If it is a general issue about transfer patterns in a soak (Too many players of a nationality going to a certain league, then a save isn't necessary as we can pick that up on soaks/long term internal tests). An example of the ideal way to log a gameplay bug can be found below. Title - Real Madrid make a £200M bid for a Championship player - Playing as Reading and Real Madrid have made a £200M bid for Andy Carroll - The bid is made on the 3rd of August 2022 - Save game attached on the 2nd of August 2022 Steps to Reproduce - I have uploaded a save game called "DanWells_Madrid_Bid.fm" - Save game will load on the 2nd of August 2022 - Continue the game one day - A 'Real Madrid make bid for Carroll’ news item will be generated - Observe that the bid is for £200M Any screenshots can be attached to the thread. All save games should be uploaded to the cloud service. Files Uploaded to OwnCloud - If you're providing us with save games, screenshots or any other file which is useful for the bug, please make a note of it in this section so we know what file to look for. Would also recommend using names which are relevant to the issue and ideally include your username. If it's a generic name such as Milan.fm for instance, it may be we have a number of files with the same name uploaded, which makes it harder for us to locate yours. Details on how to upload can be found here -
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