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36 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. ontiu17

    Possession issue

    For anyone struggling with this - I am coming back with some workarounds that worked for me after additional testing. Some context: Looking at the analytics it seems that in most situations the opposing team has a lot of possesion in their own half, particularly around defenders and DMs. In my case it doesn't help that I play a 4-3-3 DM Wide which means that the opposing team will always have superior numbers in their own half. A high pressing style doesn't seem to do much of a difference (I believe this is the issue here and hopefully SI will fix it with the next patch). Here's what I'm doing: - I've set everyone from the middle up (so midfielders, wingers and strikers) to "Close down more". If you are already playing a "More urgent" or "Much more urgent" pressing style, drop it down a notch, add the "Close down more" PIs then move it back up to your initial setting - When I don't have a stable superior possesion by min 30 - I start aplying PIs to man mark most of the opposing players (I use "Mark specific position" and not "Mark specific player"). Depending on the opposition's formation, I usually mark everyone except one of their CDs (the one with weakest passing/control ability if they play with 4 atb) and except their strikers. So basically I end up with everyone except my CD's and my GK to man mark specific position. This seems to do a world of difference! Now this is extremely tedious and you have to keep close attention to changes in the opposing team's formation otherwise you're in for a bad time. I really do hope that SI fixes pressing so this becomes more of a tool to tactically edge the other manager rather than the norm.
  2. ontiu17

    Possession issue

    I am joining this band wagon - atm it seems impossible to create a team that can consistently dominate possession. I have some of the best midfielders in the world, currently in my 4th season in FM24 and I am still struggling to make that happen. Until reading this I thought it is my tactics so I tried several variants, self made and downloaded tactics and all provide simillar results. You dominate one game 70%-80% possesion only to crap your pants next game with 40%. The interesting part is that it's not always related to how strong the opposition is - it is true it happens more often against stronger teams but sometimes you just end up 40% against the last team in your league which is not even set up to hold the ball. Hope the fix comes soon enough!
  3. Steps to reproduce - Start a match - Go to tactics and swap two first 11 players via the dropdown - Players swap for a brief second then swap back
  4. I think this feature has been broken since forever - in fact - I don't ever recall using this without it being buggy. I assume it goes unnoticed because most people don't bother using it and most people don't bother using it because of how annoying it is to do so. The reason I'm pleading for you to fix this is because I'm actually in a situation where this feature heavily benefits my tactics and players. How to reproduce: - Choose two players to swap positions - Mid game, manually swap any of those players either with each other or with another player then turn swapping to "None" and confirm - If swapped with eachother, players continue to automatically swap. If swapped with a third player, all three players now swap automatically. The only way to fix it now is to go back into tactics and click "None" on all the players involved (even if the dropdown says "None" anyways) then confirm again (This extra step is very annoying and should not be needed!) Suggestion Since the swap dropdown don't allow anymore making more than 2 players swap, please register the swapping to the positions and not to the players! This way, manually moving players around would not affect the instruction unless deactivated manually.
  5. Wages were a bit more realistic in FM23 but after porting it to FM24 mid 2035-2036 season, half a year into it, players have ridicoulously high wages. While the middle east clubs started to throw 40-70m euro a season salaries (which I guess is, to some degree realistic) - it seems that the salaries have also significantly increased in Europe. You can now see that the mid-tier salaries range from 10-20m and this is for both bigger and smaller clubs, upper tier is 20-50m and lower tier is <10m. What is even more odd is that, I still somehow manage to keep my club's books to the levels they were in FM23 (which were still pretty low as compared to other big clubs). FX My 2 times Ballon D'Or winner earns short of 7mil a season and this is after I offered him a contract in FM24 and my highest earner sits at 14m a season despite us being one of the best clubs in the world. While this is obviously making me happy and gives me less of a headache there are some issues with it: - highly unrealistic that some of the best players in the world would be ok to earn 10-20% of what their current market salary would be even if they were the most loyal players ever - heavily limits the pool of established players I can sign without completely blowing my wage structure
  6. To start with, this is not an issue but more of a cry for help... For context, I am in 2032 in my save playing the romanian club Farul Constanta. The league has a stupid rule of having to have an U21 romanian in the first XI at all times and the regen gods have not been kind at all with me. So far, I somehow managed to find decent players to lineup but from next season there's no one I can line up except for my 16yo 1 star goalkeeper (I can't spare other positions because I have really good players there). So - is there any way - (through a tool or maybe lnc script files) - that I can remove this rule from the league? I understand you can do it via the pre-game editor but I just have no energy to start from scratch. Much appreciated.
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