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Everything posted by Thirsk1

  1. Thank you for such a fast response! I thought perhaps the session description itself was poorly worded and the effect actually lasts longer than a single match because no way would a bug of this magnitude be still in the game 2 years on! But guess I was wrong I wonder how many coaches have been misled over the years.. EDIT: In matches, the assistant manager recommends that I 'Play for Set Pieces' due to our work on the training ground paying off. Which is great and all, except for the fact that I trained them in set pieces at least a week prior to the match...which leads me to believe that it's not simply a visual bug. The fact that these recommendations show up during matches and how the training preparation section has occupied a large and readily discernible area of the training page for numerous years has me convinced that either it's an unintended bug that provides the boost in subsequent matches up to 14 days later, or dare I say, a result of miscommunication within the dev team whereby not all were made aware of its final design. After all, had it been unambiguously confirmed by a dev in 2020, it surely would have been fixed by now. I could well and truly be wrong so let this be some food for thought for those who may end up here with the same question in future.
  2. Sorry to necro this thread but has this been confirmed to be just a visual bug? Because even FM22 shows that match preparation effect lasting 2 weeks As shown in the screenshot, in the bottom left corner, even though I haven't trained them in the current week (teamwork, defensive shape, attacking movement, attacking corners and set piece delivery were trained in the previous week). Really hoping someone can get back to me because I would hate to be doing it wrong all this time because of a bug that seemingly hasn't been fixed since 2020!
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