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Posts posted by Thirsk1

  1. On 27/02/2023 at 15:48, HUNT3R said:

    Can confirm that Seb is correct. It's only for the upcoming match, as the session itself indicates. The training screen showing something else is an UI issue.

    Thank you for such a fast response! I thought perhaps the session description itself was poorly worded and the effect actually lasts longer than a single match because no way would a bug of this magnitude be still in the game 2 years on!

    But guess I was wrong :( I wonder how many coaches have been misled over the years..

    EDIT: In matches, the assistant manager recommends that I 'Play for Set Pieces' due to our work on the training ground paying off. Which is great and all, except for the fact that I trained them in set pieces at least a week prior to the match...which leads me to believe that it's not simply a visual bug. The fact that these recommendations show up during matches and how the training preparation section has occupied a large and readily discernible area of the training page for numerous years has me convinced that either it's an unintended bug that provides the boost in subsequent matches up to 14 days later, or dare I say, a result of miscommunication within the dev team whereby not all were made aware of its final design. After all, had it been unambiguously confirmed by a dev in 2020, it surely would have been fixed by now. I could well and truly be wrong so let this be some food for thought for those who may end up here with the same question in future.

  2. On 02/12/2020 at 00:33, Seb Wassell said:

    Should be next match only, may be a visual bug. Worth logging for me please :thup:

    Sorry to necro this thread but has this been confirmed to be just a visual bug? Because even FM22 shows that match preparation effect lasting 2 weeks  :confused: 

    As shown in the screenshot, in the bottom left corner, even though I haven't trained them in the current week (teamwork, defensive shape, attacking movement, attacking corners and set piece delivery were trained in the previous week).

    Really hoping someone can get back to me because I would hate to be doing it wrong all this time because of a bug that seemingly hasn't been fixed since 2020!

    Match prep example.png

  3. The game is great as it is, bugs notwithstanding, however some growing frustrations with the game have me hoping for tweaks that could make the next update/release.

    A fix to player happiness when receiving a bid after they just recently signed a new contract. The reason being is that my star players keep receiving bids (sometimes as low as half their market value), then get upset when the offer is turned down. I'd offer them a new contract to win their happiness back, only for them to receive another bid shortly after, causing them to become frustrated yet again...They shouldn't be unhappy after they just signed a 5 year contract! Perhaps having an option to reject all offers for a player unless they meet the minimum release fee could help.

    Players loaned out to have their training unaltered and set to whatever focus attribute was left as last. For example, I have a shadow striker's focus set to Shooting, only their loan club to change it to Passing (when passing was already ridiculously high!). Not to mention, Passing is not one of the primary attributes for a Shadow Striker anyway, so this is really baffling. Then there's the small issue of Central Defenders already having 20 Aerial, yet the loan club believes it still needs improvement, when other primary attributes are abysmally low. Or sometimes I'd like my goalkeepers to train something other than Handling for a change... All in all, I'm fine with how training on loan can no longer be edited (for realism or convenience sake), but it's become so much of a hindrance now, such that I no longer dare to even send my players out on loan for fear of completely lop-sided development.

    And a bug fix in the training page: The primary attributes of Attacking Midfielder and Deep Lying Forward are missing 'Shooting' in their descriptions.

    With all that said, I still absolutely love the game. Keep up the good work, guys!


  4. Some ideas/fixes I'd love to see in future:

    More player personalities as well as a more notable effect. These are already in the game to some extent but would be great if they get a mention in match commentary or an occasional news report. For example:

    - hard workers can boost team condition during games, leaders boost team morale during big games, fan favourites/popular players boost stadium numbers (which raises end of season revenue), moody/insecure players causing fouls when the game turns against them, confident/relaxed players have boosted composure in penalties, professionals/role models boost training to players in their position/whole team effect (show an occasional new report on player's development like what coaches do currently),  favoured/strained relationships between two players showing better/worse link up

    An improved commentary

    - to track more stats such as # of goals a player has already scored in free kicks this season, what # hat-trick it is in his career, their scoring streak in the last # of matches, how they're on course to be the golden boot winner in the league/tournament or have equaled/surpassed the current top scorer, or how this player just reached a milestone of champions league goals

    - to be able to describe goals from headers (there's only commentary events to show attempted headers on goal but no reflection in context to headers scored)

    - to include a commentary event in the case when a goalkeeper scores a goal (after they run up to assist in a final corner kick)!

    Trophies and achievements to play a more important part

    - currently only for show, but would be amazing if they improved players in certain ways eg. small boost to leadership stat or current ability (not potential ability), increasing the chance of favouring you as a manager, and increased effect in big matches or the particular tournament the player won that trophy in


    - who 'favour you as a manager' to work harder in training (especially when working one on one with you as the specialist coach) and respond better to player interactions with them. It currently only plays a part in contract negotiations?

    - who reach a milestone # of matches played in lifetime career can gain a small boost in attributes (like technique) eg. each 100 games played. To increase choice selection headache between promising youth or aging club legends!

    - who've just won a league/tournament have a line stating their happiness on winning on their player personal page (which doesn't show at all currently so it's a little disappointing when they don't seem to care!)

    - who want to move to a bigger club but have just won a major league/tournament to have a small chance of reversing their intention to leave by wishing to stay with the club instead (but less of a chance for ambitious players?)

    - A new positive to coach reports for goalkeepers could be 'a penalty shootout specialist'. This can make goalkeepers as late game substitutes viable in big tournaments!

    More role traits

    - Some roles could use some love too. They're sadly devoid of role traits eg. goalkeeper, sweeper keeper, libero, sweeper, anchor man, shadow strikers

    Major tournaments

    - To feel like they're really big eg. a UI colour update when the fixture is about to start, or an update to the stadium pitch to include night lights in the champions league! (while I'm at it, how about some scorching hot pitches when playing in desert-like conditions!)

    - To give a boost to your end of season revenue depending on how far you progressed in it. It currently only rewards a small amount for 'giant killing' matches.

    Match engine update

    - player movements to be less robotic and predictable eg. more creative runs with the ball (instead of always going in a straight line), seeing supporting players make dummy runs, more backheel passes or roulette/special tricks

    - goalkeepers can be more mobile; involved more in the build up by coming out more as an 11th player, and visibly running further out of the posts to punch away or catch high balls

    - increase variety in corner goals. It's usually that person who stands unmarked at the near post scoring them in

    - increase variety in free kicks eg. the second free kick taker can do step overs or feign a kick but stop instead, or maybe even play a short pass to some one closer who crosses/shoots

    - more chaos overall with multiple deflections upon goal, more strange bounces leading to some really unpredictable and scrappy goals, more goals ending from fouls that are played on by advantage rule

    - and a fix for whenever the commentary describes a perfect tackle but the player ends up being given a yellow card or loses the ball instead! (happens a lot)

    Finally, more than 4 countries that can be selected when starting a game

    - allowing even greater careers to be played out over 30 years! How I'd long to win trophies all around the globe. Should be up to the player's choice whether load times are fast or slow but with phone devices these days, this could really be an option

    Oh how I'd be in heaven if any of these wishes make it in future. In any case, thank you so much for continuing to make the best football managing game on mobile! Each year keeps getting better and better!!

  5. Can we have a women's league? Like the NWSL in America, as it would be a new experience to most whilst potentially attracting female gamers.

    Also, I still hope to see Sponsors (attracted by your trophies and merits) and Merchandise (Player kits sold according to popularity with fans) to complement current finances.

    Finally, an update to the match engine to display Messi-like dribbles, or amazing solo efforts where one person takes on multiple defenders and the keeper and scores!

  6. The old training system really has to go. It's the most frustrating experience when you can't tailor for every player in the squad because there are only 5 training tabs. Furthermore, I wish that training is no longer split into such broad categories like fitness, attacking, tactics, defending and morale. But split into more numerous categories like passing, strength training, heading etc. This way, there is more control on how you want your team to play and also less complaints from over worked players. Training players in particular traits would also be excellent but the old training system really needs to be updated before anything else. 

    As always, more tactical roles is another wish I have. There are so many roles that fmm does not have but are popular in actual football. False 9 and anchorman for example.

    Finally, I wish there was extra finance income from merchandise sales or sponsors. I would love to see a fan board which shows which players are fan favourites and this has an effect on merchandise sales. It will make the game much more immersive, and make you think twice about selling older but beloved players. Sponsors can approach for deals when the club gains sufficient reputation or perhaps after a cup win. It would be much more rewarding experience when you win a major tournament and get a host of sponsors want to sign up with you. 

  7. I wish for Individual Training, set to train certain players in single attributes instead of a "general/attack/defend/fitness/technical" category. This way I can finally fix some sloppy passing from my playmakers, make my set pieces player become a world renowned set piece taker like Pirlo, or my attacking midfielder dribble around defenders like Messi :D

    Like someone suggested above, I wouldn't mind seeing a nice cabinet full of trophies for more feeling of achievement after a few years of managing. And seeing different media graphics or words when winning the Champions League, Europa League etc. would be cool. Also, would love to see more variety in commentary during matches so it will always "feel" different..perhaps some more types of striking moves with flair?

  8. It's probably too late to influence the developers but I created an account just to ask for full match viewing!

    Like others have already said, it's the perfect way to analyse the team tactics, see who needs to be subbed, what formation/strategy to counter etc.

    Also, I would love to see individual training in the list of changes, so that we can target strengths and weaknesses whilst creating the perfect team.

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