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17 "You're a bum, Rock"

About Oppiiz

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  1. Excellent read! Hopefully you will restore United back to where it belongs! Will be interesting to see what system you will play, and if you can get the best out of Mainoo
  2. Same problem here also. If I remember correct it got removed in some other version of FM too.
  3. Fantastic as always mate! Love the write up! Can't wait for the next one! And see how you manage to use the new positional play into use perhaps?
  4. @Cleon Did put up a great replica on his twitter page. Been trying it out a bit and it play really well! Writz is dominating playing in the AP position.
  5. My coworker told me he needed some beta carotene. I take that as a sign; Beta will be out today!
  6. A fantastic thread that has gotten me thinker around shapes, tactics and how things work. Just started a save with Valencia where my main aim is to play 4-3-3. But change out some roles depending on the opposition. This will be my main shape. I've never used a Pressing Forward before, but Cavani's mentals and workrate is something else. So wanted to see how that goes. When I am facing stronger oppositions I might change the BBM to a BWM, the CM(a) to a BBM, and the right wingback to a fullback. I also think about giving it a go using the "Focus play down the left" to free up the "space" for the CM(a) to attack. Am I on to something here, or totally lost?
  7. What some great opening posts! Really looking forward to see how it goes! After reading I had to search Union up on YouTube. Totally understand why you went with them now!
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