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Everything posted by yezzko

  1. The dimensions set in the database are 90-120m for length and 60-90m for width (leads to some teams playing square-like pitches like 90x85m). The dimensions should be 105m for length and 68m for width. I believe the same rules should apply for Slovak Cup competition. Source: https://mediamanager.sportnet.online/media/pages/f/futbalsfz.sk/2022/09/smernica-o-infrastrukture-stadionov-2022.pdf
  2. You can safely ignore the debt, bank loan is 23M per year, that wont kill you and gift loan will probably never be repaid anyway. Just stay a bit below wage budget and slowly push old high earners out of the club and you will be ok. Just dont force the players out too hard, you will not get much money that way and you can destabilize the atmosphere.
  3. Hi, you can ask for help in tactics forum, or if you don't want to learn how to properly make and maintain tactic head over to the download section where you can download extremely succesfull tactics and focus on the parts of the game you like.
  4. Postbrexit, in GB you can't sign EU players under 18 years of age. Within EU it's posible to sign them.
  5. I see only 3 players under 25 in the matchsquad which is I would say ok, most of the team are in their prime( 26 - 29).
  6. Since you are the 'best' in league by a mile it's your tactics, head to the tactics forum and post your tactic there. Some players are dirty, but if your defenders making last ditch tackles all the time your are going to get a lot of cards.
  7. If you spent all those 500 hours looking at the screen I pity you. Otherwise its not a problem to let it run in background, many people do so.
  8. The injuries are so low to cater for casual players that want they ronaldos to play 60 matches a year in extreme intensity gegenpress.
  9. It was allways like that, SI do it to annoy players to force them to stop buying the game, works like a treat. /s
  10. I believe all those players with "pricetag" of 200M+ should be not for sale but then you would rant that everybody is for sale. Top clubs dont sell their best players unless they are forced to when the player becomes unhappy or the club needs money. You can buy players for normal prices if you put the work in, otherwise be prepared to pay those ridiculous amounts.
  11. These ridiculous prices mean they are not for sale, unless you want to pay such stupid amount.
  12. This was my best take on this challenge, though it was done on 'bugged' fm16, so I would not claim a record.
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