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Posts posted by zoppi_

  1. Il y a 13 heures, Luke Cro a dit :

    Does anyone have issues / bugs with advanced rules in FM22 editor?? 

    I'm working on Croatian football pyramid, and in basic rules everything is verified, but while I'm testing competitions in advanced rules I'm getting errors regarding promoted / relegated teams (min or max number of teams) between upper and lower leagues, and actually there shouldn't be issue. Ok, there are many leagues with subdivisions which can make confusion to editor, so to speak.

    Than I get issue from 7th tier league that has fixed number of teams - 10, and that's min and max number of clubs, and while testing I got error that league can be processed because there's no rules for 11 teams??

    I've also had issue regarding fixture rules.. Editor couldn't processed some of them, and If I changed values for certain things while changes were saving those values reverted back to old ones..

    Anybody else having same / similar issues??

    Same issue with France.

    there is a post bu Wolf_pd giving a list of which countries work or don't :

    Croatia is in the list.

    Hope they will patch it, but not sure.

  2. Le 18/12/2020 à 03:32, BedeviledEgg a dit :

    Hi, FYI it looks like 21.2 still did not fix this bug, I holidayed until youth intake day with the age set to 14 and I still have all 15 and 16 year olds in my intake.

    All these players will be 16 on Sept 1 for purposes of U18 eligibility so they'll be U18 eligible for 2 years and I'm trying to newgen youth players who get 3 years of U18 team eligibility. This worked fine in FM20.

    It did'nt change anything.

    I usually like to make my club grow using the youns players. I am not likely into transferring players to improve my team.

    I like to have a plan to improve my young players. When regens are 14 yo, I can make some choices. some of them go to the reserve team chen they're 16, others  have to stay until 19 in the  young teams, maybe they can reach the main team quickly, or go on a loan.
    That's how I like to improve my club.

    With this version, no choice; all player stays only 2 y in the young team. It changes a lot the way  I lead my club. When they appears, they already have the right to sign as a professional player.

    Now I think, this will not be fixed in thi version, I hope this will be ok in FM22. I'm pretty sure this is not a priority, and I easily can understand it, most of FM21 players are much likely in tranfering Messi or Haaland onto their big club.

  3. that"s right . In france I always have 16/17 yo regens despite the "14 yo " default in the db.


    for the "12" in your db, don't look at the regen age, look at his birthdate.

    In FM19 I sometimes had a 13yo regen but he was 14 on the screen. I tried to edit one player's birthdate, to make him being born in 2010. He appears to be 14 yo until 2025. :D:idiot:

  4. Hi, not really a "bug" or an issue but still a little annoying :

    this year in FM21, the regens are older than in previous versions. Newgen are now 16/17 yo.
    For france, this is a nonsens as the youth team in french clubs is U19 , with a 18y limit at championshoip start, so some newgen may only play a few months in youth teams.

    Managers won't be ale to see young players growing up in their youth teams. It changes a lot the way to manage young players. The management of homegrown players will not be as rich as it was.

    I can understand for countries where the youth team is U20 or U21, but now with a U18 or U19, there is no time to make a player grow in youth teams. I can also understand  that when launching the game, only 16+ players have real names to protect them. But in game newgens, I don't understand the reason.

    So I think there is 2 ways ; having 14/15 yo newgens again, or be able to have U20/U21 teams in france (Ibut  think that does not exists IRL in France).

    Is there a reason I didn't see to level up the age of newgens ?


  5. Hello all,


    In this edition of FM, the regen, for France are really older thant before.

    It could be 13/14yo in past editions , it is now 16/17, wich is a nonsense because the youth team in france clubs is U18, so some young players will only play a few month in a youth team.
    So I am trying to modify the age of regens.

    In advanced rules, nation, transfers I found this area, where I can specify the rules for ages in the game : it says "minimum age used to generate new youg players".




    But ingame, newgen are still generated with 16 or 17 yo. Is there a way to make the regens be 14/15 yo max ?

    PS : this modofocation worked perfectly in FM20 editor

  6. when a player starting discussions for a new contract, asks to go on loan, and me not not being able to say him that he will be part of the main team next year.

    so I have 3 options : 

    - Have my player angry by saying no and eventually lose him if the contract is nearing its end . this is nonsens I wanted him to play in first team, he wanted to go elsewhere..... to play in first team !

    - let him go on loan which is mostly a bad option for everybody , I miss one player, and he plays on a lower level than my team

    - sign the contrat and don't respect the promise I made. He 'll be mad at me, which is a nonsense, cos he'll play in main team all year (and that is why he wanted to be on loan !!)


    I think there are many clever ways to solve this nonsense .

    Firstable this "asking" must always be removable (or at least must always be replaceable by a proposition on how many game to play on first team next year, or a team status that the player could accept or not)

  7. Hi guys,


    in  the latests versions of Football managers, when a youg wonderkid appears in a very small club, he is within 3 months signed  by a big club (Livverpool, Rmadrid, Bayern...etc)


    This is never what happens in real life.
    when a young player  in a small club show great potential abilities, he is mostly discovered by a club a little bigger near his "homegrown club".

    Then he goes to a professionnal club  U21, or reserve team, and then eventually , very big club scout him.


    For example, a talent like Haaland was first in Byrne FC, then Molde, then, and Only then Salzsbour has been recruiting him, before going on to Dortmund.

    In FM haaland would have made Byrne=> Dortmund... That's not how it really works. There is always at least  one "nearby average club" before going onto a big club.

    That was the same For NGolo Kanté,  , or  Mbappé,
    even Eden Hazard, despite being son of a professional player did : braine le comte => tubize =>Lille => only then Chelsea
    The smaller the first club is, the truest it is... A 14yo kid in a very small club in italian mountains would always be discovered by the a nearby club before going on  a big club.


    IRL, most of wonderkids that are signed in by big club, belong to a club that plays first national  division (even if the player hasn't played any 1st division game but have played youth games or reserve games). It never happens that a player in the young team of a  7th national division club is scouted by one top club.



    I hope thaht I've been clear enough, despite my english level ;-)


  8. I managed to use all files that I  exported from the 2020 editor, excluding the ones using "extended rules" .  (what is something really annoying for me, I always use extended rules to make reserve team games not happening at the same time than main team).


    Anyway, here's what I've done :

    -export file  to xml within the 2020 editor

    - modify the "orvvs" and "svvs" datas in  xml files and put numbre version "2100", and nothing else

            <string id="orvs" value="2100"/>
            <string id="svvs" value="2100"/>


    When launching new Career, FM says that the files are not vérified baut counts them as an active file, and starts with the modifications in the files.


    Let me know if it worked for you.

    PS : sorry for english mistakes, I wish I could speak (write) a better english than I do.

  9. I'm playing in French ligue 1, and there is an issue  :

    When a player of my first team is injured, I cannot use a player of my "B team" because he as "already played a match today"....

    1) thi is for all 60 players of my "B team" !!!!!!!!!! 60 players playing in the same match  ??????????

    seriously ?

    2) I 've been checking calendars before, my first en second teams matches were both at the same time, so I thought It will be ok to choose if a player will play in the first team or not...

    so to prevent injury, I will need to always put all my players in first team....

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