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Everything posted by Onebadterran

  1. When you sign on as the Head Coach of an International Team you are unable to see your contract if you are also the Head Coach of a Club. The My Contract screen only shows the Club contract. I am getting paid 140k per week at England, almost four times my club contract, but I cannot see that anywhere in the game. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - England.fm' attached save game - Check the My Contract screen for my current contracts and wages - Switch to any other International Team, no secondary contract will be created for that international team
  2. I have uploaded a file from December (when I contemplated moving back to QPR), where I am the head coach of Colombia. I also went on Holiday to get a save file into March. This should be an unmodified version of the game as I re-verified game files before posting this bug report. Aldrin Keller - December Pre Colombia 1.fm Aldrin Keller - March Pre Registration Colombia.fm
  3. Also, for some reason a trophy ceremony is played after we win the world cup playoff but no trophy/medal is in the profile. Probably shouldn't have the trophy celebration there?
  4. When attempting to call up players for the World Cup Playoff, I am unable to Confirm my selection. I can call up 23 players, add them to the team, determine the tactic, etc. However, none of the players are seen as being called up to the national team and I am unable to click the Confirm Squad button. All the players I selected are in the National Pool and the National Team. The game returns an error that "No players are selected". Going on Holiday allows me to advance the day and bypasses the issue with the squad I had already called up. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - Colombia.fm' attached save game - Add or remove players to the nation team as you see fit - Attempt to confirm the World Cup Playoff Squad
  5. When creating a Staff Search, the Attribute Picker does not remove attributes that are of a different class. For example, if in Step 1 I set a condition for attributes to be between two numbers, run the search (Step 1 Result), and then go back into the Attribute Picker, remove the condition and the attributes from the selected boxes and instead change to a different condition with different attributes (Step 2), and then run the search, it keeps the original attributes under their original condition in the search even though I had removed them when I went into the Attribute Picker (Step 2 Result). STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - Colombia.fm' attached save game - Go to Staff Search - Follow the steps outlined in Step 1 and 2 pictures I am also unable to offer the Scout job to anyone else in the pool of talent even though the drop down has it available. When I right click on them to offer them the international job of Scout for Colombia I am unable to. I click it and then nothing happens. The same issue persists if I am in their profile. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - Colombia.fm' attached save game - Go to Staff Search - Right click on the Scouting Staff Results and attempt to offer a job as Colombia Scout As an aside, it feels like international staff limits are very generous and perhaps unreasonable, especially for smaller nations. I am not sure on the realism on this one but it feels like the staff limit is many times even the largest clubs in the world. Additionally, there is a weird spot next to my name in News Articles. I believe there are other posts about it. Because I offered about 120 jobs to International Staff upon taking the role at Colombia there is no current News Article with my name to review in the save but it generates consistently enough that generating a news article should easily re-create the spot next to the name.
  6. When setting up international friendlies for 15 on 15, international Caps and the Nation Points Rankings do not update post-game. The interface suggests these games are acceptable as no Comment/Warning shows up that there is an issue with the Friendly. Either there is an issue with the points/caps not updating or a warning is not displaying correctly for International Friendlies. Attached are two screenshots, one with the comment and one without. This is related to the post "International Caps not showing/failing to update" and I wanted to make sure the proper detail was provided around this issue. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - India.fm' attached save game - Play the match against Turkmenistan (or any of the pre-arranged friendlies in the file) - Review the Nation Ranking Points and International Caps of the players
  7. When looking over the Season in Review, the Club World Championship is on the horizon, yet to be played. However, the Competition Results screen shows each match with a Loss icon, the red circle. The games have not yet been played and seeing the red circle is confusing. Perhaps having it just be blank or a different icon for matches not yet played would be less confusing to the player, or include it at the end of next season's review as the matches have not yet been played. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - RB Leipzig - End Year Review.fm' attached save game - Load up the End of Season Review - Review the Club World Championship Competition Results
  8. I am selling the player Karim Konate on the 1st of July, 2033. I am in the Club World Championship and after winning a match the next match is immediately decided. However, because of this, the inbox item assumes Konate's last game has been played when we beat Barcelona. This is incorrect as we have one more match in June against Arsenal. Because the news item is generated before the next game is technically drawn in the competition the news item is incorrect and can lead to a bit of a confusing and unrealistic statement. I believe the order of operations is causing the problem here as Konate will still be available for selection (and will likely play) against Arsenal. This might also impact players Retiring, not just Transfers. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - RB Leipsig - Konate.fm' attached save game - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "FW: Club World Ch'ship: Konate bids farewell to RB Leipzig" - Review Karim Konate's transfer date compared to the Schedule
  9. Last year, we built a new stadium for the club as a celebration of success in the Premier Division. The stadium was finished in time for the pre-season. However, during the pre-season I only played Away games and Training Camp Neutral games as I wanted our inaugural game to be an actual league game and not a friendly. We are now 7 games from the end of the season and we had our first Home Friendly (away games tend to be more profitable than home games in FM24). After the match, an inbox item was generated that says it was our first game at the stadium. I assume this was coded to have the first Home Friendly match be the inaugural game instead of the first ever match and because the game is looking for the first Friendly game instead of the first of Any game the inbox generates this item. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - QPR.fm' attached save game and continue to the 26th of March, 2032 at 21:45, through the Home Friendly with Man City - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "FW: Friendly: QPR begin Abdulrahman Saleh Stadium era with win" - Review how the inbox item states it is the "inaugural game at the brand new "Abdulrahman Saleh Stadium" and compare to the stadium match history
  10. Somehow as Japan, before the World Cup Quals even start, I have been knocked out of the competition. The news item states that we have "failed to quality" and at the same time "...will be delighted to have qualified so easily...with a fantastic six games in hand.". The news item seems confused and at the same time I am not sure if I qualified, failed to qualify, or if we just need to play the games. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - Japan.fm' attached save game and continue to the 7th of October, 2031 at 22:00 - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "FW: Japan knocked out of World Cup Quals (ASI)" - Review the World Cup Quals (ASI)
  11. Murat Topcular qualified as Home Grown for Trained in Club but it does not show on his profile and it does not appear in registration. I also went on Holiday for two days after I received the inbox item and it did not change his eligibility. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - QPR - Murat Topcular.fm' attached save game and continue to the 26th of December, 2029 at 12:45 - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "Murat Topcular now home-grown" - Review his Eligibility after receiving the inbox item
  12. When activating the buyout clause for installments, the resulting news article is confusing and potentially incorrect. You can see in the screenshots, Shrewsbury are owed another $104k and I can buy it out now for $61.38k. When I buyout the clause it correctly states the $61.38k but then states that Shrewsbury were owed $4.73k p/m for 2 months, giving the impression I paid $61.38k for something that should only cost $9.46k. When reviewing Transfer Debt, buying out the clause changes the Transfer Debt from $798,567 to $713,315, a net difference of $85,252, which is neither of the numbers listed in the email. I would expect the debt to decrease by the full $104k If you look at the Expenditure section in Finances you can see the Transfer Expenditure shows $61,450 (this is correct as $61,450 - $70 = $61,380 as expected). However, when you look at the Transfer Budget you can see the original value is $15,029,095. After activating the clause it goes down to $14,967,714. A difference of $61,381, which is in conflict with what is seen on the Transfer Expenditure line item on the Finance page as a discrepancy of $1. I understand in this instance it may only be $1, no big deal, but it could potentially result in a much larger discrepancy in the future depending on the true scope of the discrepancy. Maybe a rounding issue or how it interacts with the Wage Budget? None of the numbers seem to line up here so hoping to get some clarity on if this is intended or a bug spanning multiple systems. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - QPR.fm' attached save game - Go to Transfers -> Clauses and buyout the Installments clause for Callum Hardy - Review the finances of the club (transfer amount, finance expenditures, and transfer debt) and compare them to the email inbox item "Shrewsbury receive $61.38K for Hardy clause buyout"
  13. This is probably intended behavior but the verbiage may be confusing. When applying to the job at Shenzhen, in the interview I promised I would retain the size of the current Coaching Staff. The promises section also states Coaching Staff. However, when I go to try and hire Scouts, for example, it warns me it would violate the promise of not changing the size of the Coaching Staff. Assuming this is intended, it may be more accurate to say Backroom Staff instead of Coaching Staff as there is a specific section in staff called Coaching Staff that is different from Recruitment Team or Medical Staff. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - Shenzhen.fm' attached save game - Go to Staff Search and try to hire "Xie Feng", "Han Chao, or "Josivaldo Alves" as Scout or Chief Scout - Review the relevant inbox item when they accept that states it would break the promise Unrelated: the promises also duplicate regarding Board Requests and Interview Promises, you can also see in the save file and screenshot.
  14. When trying to sign a Youth player coming through the Academy to a Senior Minimum Salary contract in the MLS, the Add Clause button is available for selection with no options available. Please note, this is an identical problem if you also select Reserve contract. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - LAFC - MLS SMS Contract.fm' attached save game - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "LAFC Academy announce new intake of youth players" - Offer Contract to Adan Horton - Accept all default promises - Change Contract Type to "Senior Minimum Salary" OR "Reserve" - Review "Add Clause" button with no available options
  15. I have a player, Paxten Aaronson, who is unhappy with the progress towards his target late into the season. He states the he is not registered for the league and that he is disappointed with his current match average rating. His target rating is 7.0 and his current rating is 7.32 in the Leagues Cup, 7.14 in MLS, and 8.07 in the Open Cup. He is far exceeding expectations with an average rating of 7.23 overall. His current Agreed Playing Time is Squad Player, his Actual Playing time is Regular Starter. He is registered for the league as, if he was not, he would be waived and removed from the team entirely. STEPS TO REPRODUCE - Load up 'Aldrin Keller - LAFC.fm' attached save game - Inbox item will be generated headlined: "Player Targets and Promises Updates" - Hover over the (i) icon for Progress where the player is Unhappy - Review his average rating compared to his target, his registration status, and his current playing time, agreed playing time, and playing time pathway Unrelated: You may want to fix how Trades function in the MLS. Please review the Transfer History in the save game and go to the Trades for LAFC in 2026 where I sold Nathan Ordaz (a middling player) for 3 player rights, $2.5M GA money, and 13 draft picks.
  16. I would love to see an option to hire hospitality staff. A head chef, Maître d', and other hospitality staff. Either $0 volunteers or actual paid staff that can improve your fan's matchday experience and bring in more fans overall. Perhaps it would encourage fans to buy the VIP tickets or to attend more home matches, or encourage away fans to attend just for the experience and drive up match day revenue. It could even factor into a club's prestige. Overall, improving the fan experience and how we can influence fan experience while simultaneously allowing the club to budget for and appropriately pay for hospitality staff and services.
  17. Hey Team, As I get deep into saves, 20+ years in the future, I like to hop off the international and continental stage and go manage some smaller teams as a "road to glory" or "nation building" deal. I usually make that move when I really have more money than I have any use for and I would love to be able to come into a small club and give them a shot in the arm financially by saying that as part of my taking over as head coach of the club I will also provide them with $1M or $2M to get started. Right now, this is only possible through "cheating" with the in-game editor but it would be nice if, after you've made like $100m career earnings or something, you could provide the club you are joining with a very small (relatively) amount of your own finances and that would be subtracted from your career earnings. This wouldn't be something often available as you would need to have made an exorbitant amount of money in your career but it would be a nice feature to keep games fresh several decades into the future and also give players long-term goals they can play to where they otherwise would just start over in a fresh save. Obviously, this wouldn't make any sense at major clubs as you wouldn't have nearly enough money to make a dent in the turnover but for a club whose turnover is only a few hundred thousand a year, or less, it would be a massive short-term boost. I hope it is considered as it would be an improvement for long-term saves as there really is nothing to build towards or any meaningful reason to take a save a long time into the future other than the passion for the sport.
  18. As part of contract negotiations with players, it would be good if we could add in a Promise to send them on a Leadership Course in the same way we can Promise Coaching Courses for older players. This goes along the same of Promising Staff we can send them on Coaching Courses as well.
  19. A News Article I received for the UEFA Conference League stated the "last remaining semi-professional team" was eliminated from the competition. However, in the attached screenshots you can see I am playing as Athlone Town in the Conference, which also has Semi-Professional status. Game Type: FM Career Platform: Steam Version: 23.2 OwnCloud Save File: Aldrin Keller - Athlone Town.fm
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