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Everything posted by Lukas27

  1. Title says it all. Added 2 screenshots from 15th march 2025 and 29.th march 2025. Another "goldengeneration" turning out to be as bad as possible. Just got no words that this issue is not fixable.
  2. Extremely disappointing this isn't fixed as well or stated clear when making loans!!! Very bad Job from the responsible persons, as it would be so easy to fix. Final and last explanation reagrding loans: When you loan it player it says "fee per month when not playing". You make this 1.000.000. He plays 90 minutes out of 360 minutes (4 league games a month). Result should be: He played, so nothing to pay (or just the fee agreed for playing) The truth: you have to pay 75% out out 1.000.000 which is 750.000 so this is stated nowwhere as it doesn't say this fee is scaled to the minutes he played. Conclusion: Very bad Job on not fixing this for years now!!! I'm out of this community trying to really improve the game.
  3. Hey Kyle, sadly no previous save as the game went on and got overwritten by autosave P.S. I got a player whos team gets 20M per month when he doesn't play. My thought is that playing time (given percentage) is scaled to the amount of money to be paid. For example he plays 10% of gametime I have to pay 90% out of 20M. But this is written nowwhere. It just says "when playing/not playing". To me he played when subbed in for 10 minutes a month.
  4. that's pretty good. My personal opinion would be this should differ half a star up/down with good staff etc
  5. My clue too the issue: The loan costs for players...(Especially the fee when not playing which isn't defined good enough and which is in my thoughts the reason for the problem.
  6. I still think it's totally **** when there's huge gaps between intake prediction and intake coming roughly 4 months later. I brought this up already last year. Sadly nothing really happened. I thought about twice bringing up it again as I'm getting tired of somehow wasting my time to improve the game without the feeling of anything happending. Still it's annyoing and so I'm doing it... On the pictures you can see another intake prediction saying amazing intake with a really good Striker, DM and AMC. Real intake best is a goalkeeper, and he's **** already. No real AMC at all.
  7. Dear Neill, save is uploaded as "Italy2" . As from the pictures can be seen my team is Palermo. I'm here for further questions regarding this.
  8. Explained with screenshots: First screenshot you see up right 3,65M (my balance on 1.04) "nd screenshot you see something like 20M there (my balance 1.03). So a loss of around 17M. 3rd and 4th screen you see my finances of march. Its about 16M income for march(previous month) and 12M outgoing. That should be a profit of around 4M then, instead losing 17M!? A difference of 21M in one single month. I have a clue where it comes from but it's a) hidden then as it's not in the numbers here and b) wrong. (If I am right)
  9. So my finances for last month say income around 16 million and outgoing 12 million which should be a profit of 4 million end of month my bank acount dropped araoud 17 million the same time. I have a guess where it comes from what would be quite a huge bug/problem. Upload savefile is of course possible. (and will be done this evening)
  10. How is it possible to having bouht a player from Columbia (who joined 30.06) who is not able to be registered unless one NON-EU player is sold but at the same time being still able to buy a non EU player who can be registered? Moreover this selling a player thing never worked for me in FM so it doens't now. Anyone able to clear up this case/help? Moreover it is sometimes frustrating not being able to choose whom you wanna register. (when you bought more than one) Is it like that in reality?Can't imagine
  11. Why should that be silly?It's almost like today. Today you can have 5 teams from one country in the round of last 16. And they cannot play against each other. Now you don't have more (maybe maximum 1).
  12. Hey T-IceMan, thanks for feedback. Well all I found on official site New format for Champions League post-2024: everything you need to know | UEFA Champions League | UEFA.com is this regarding last 16. Do the changes impact the knockout stages? From the round of 16 onward, the competition will continue to follow its existing format of knockout rounds leading to the final staged at a neutral venue selected by UEFA. I would say no changes means they cannot play against each other at this stage.
  13. Lukas27


    Scouts (all) are set to 0(!) after promotion. Happenend in severeal saves now in different leagues.
  14. Why is it so difficult to keep VAR decisions with tension? Last year you know immediately from the fans cheering whether it was offside or not. FM21 players where walking backwards when goals were disallowed. And this year? Again players walk backwards pretty soon when goals will be disallowed. No tension there at all That's bad work I'm sorry.
  15. Data center doesn't show anything regarding chances for/against (see screenshot)
  16. How can this happen to a game like fm?? an italian match in CL round of last 16...Pretty poor! (Napoli VS Inter)
  17. no one taking care?That's some reason for participating here is a waste of time sadly...
  18. I can confirm this issue, same Problem in our online save. Squad planner works for me atm, not for the other player.
  19. now pkms attached as well showing all the stupid red cards which happen but as said are pretty rare in reality. Interesting: Mostly strikers gfet them for stupidity in midfield or even own side AC Reggiana – Venezia.pkm Andria – Venezia.pkm Atalanta – Palermo 2xyellowred.pkm Palermo – Empoli 2.pkm Palermo – Empoli.pkm Palermo – Genoa.pkm Palermo – Sassuolo.pkm Roma – Palermo.pkm Venezia – AC Reggiana.pkm Venezia – Pordenone.pkm
  20. upload done, filename is "Italy". It's an online save where we are Palermo (me claiming the problem) and Venezia.
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