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Everything posted by dpt8544

  1. The draws actually are random but they are decided well in advance of the draw date and can be seen on the tree view, as you have noticed. So basically the 'draw' is a complete sham, it is already pre-determined. (i.e. if you reloaded before the draw, it would be the same draw every time you retried it). They really need to fix this in FM25
  2. Man people really have such a confirmation bias problem when it comes to the match engine. People play literally a couple of games after an update, and think they've completely figured it out - and of course the conclusion is that everything is broken. People are really playing attacking, high risk tactics and then are surprised when they have high scoring games sometimes. The 2.84 goals per game is perfectly reasonable
  3. Honestly SI should just remove entirely the 'squad depth' complaints. They can't get it to work well. Most importantly, if they keep it, they really need to add an option to tell the players that the club is not in a financial position to improve the squad depth. If you can have that option for a player requesting a new contract it makes no sense to not have it here. Fact is, 99% of the time players making demands like this is outrageously unprofessional, like we're a non-league side do you think we have tons of cash to spare? Maybe if you all take a paycut I can bring in another player.
  4. Please refer to my previous answer of this question. I absolutely would recommend not starting a Velez save unfortunately. The worst part is that SI don't even seem to realise just how much this ruins the experience.
  5. I hope so mate. However, I have absolutely no faith in this being the case for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I've always understood 'data updates' to mean things like updating players, kits etc. Competitions are a separate thing. Besides, it is not a database problem, but the actual functioning of the competition. Also, it is a big enough problem to warrant its own mention - but the fact it didn't means they clearly aren't looking to solve it. Also, contrary to what you said, I'm not under the impression that the next update is coming out this week. At least that's not how I read the post. Which means it will be even longer.
  6. Apparently Korean U21 competition is a bigger priority than Argentina top division. Come on now
  7. Still no fix for the Argentinian league. Nor even a mention of it being fixed in the future. What the hell? Why? This should be top priority. Where is someone at SI to acknowledge this and, more importantly, confirm it will be part of the next update?
  8. Well, no everything is not working, because as I described, it is quite possible to win the league, and not only do you not get credited with doing so, but a different team will be credited with doing so. This has massive knock-on effects. Winning the league gives a reputation bonus, which affects who might want to sign for you. It also affects whether you will participate in the Supercup. It also affects your board confidence. Imagine if you are managing a top team with high expectations, and you win the league, but get sacked because the game thinks a different team did. And also, I absolutely do want to see my team lift a trophy and see the 'increased number on the screen'. Those are the moments where you feel the culmination of all your efforts to build a winning team. And as to your last point, that is exactly my complaint. Just because a league isn't the most popular, doesn't mean it deserves to be treated with such disdain by the developers.
  9. Oh believe me I've logged it. I logged it during 'early access' and when I discovered to my shock that it wasn't fixed for the 'full release' I made sure to log it again, with a somewhat more critical tone. Yes I've had a response, but a very generic, "we'll fix it in the future". The reason this doesn't satisfy me is because this isn't some ordinary bug, it's completely game-breaking if you play in Argentina. It's game-breaking to a level that not even any of the other significant issues that are being discussed on here are. No response I've had from SI have given me the impression that they truly understood just how bad this issue is. This is not an ordinary mistake - this is something that should be making them panic that they've got wrong. Frankly, they should be releasing a formal apology for it, it's that bad. If this issue existed in a popular league like the Premier League, I have no doubt they would be doing just that. But they won't, because it's Argentina, and no-one actually wants to play in that league, right? And the fact it hasn't been explicitly mentioned by Miles is adding to my displeasure.
  10. Seriously, that statement from Miles made no mention of fixing the Argentinian league, it has made me very worried. Do SI not realise how urgent a fix for this is? The league is unplayable. Can someone at SI please confirm that this is being addressed urgently?
  11. It is actually outrageous how broken the Argentinian league is. And in Miles' statement there is still no clear indication of when this will be fixed. Basically, in Argentina, there are actually two main competitions. First, there is the league, which is 28 teams playing each other once (27 games). The team that ends top of the table wins the League. Then, there is the League Cup (which is much more significant than the league cup in other countries). In the League Cup, teams play 14 games in a group stage (2 groups), and then the the top 4 from each group play in a knockout competition, where the team that wins the final wins the League Cup. Importantly, the places for continental competition in Argentina are actually decided by an aggregate table, which combines the results of the regular League, and the group stage of the League Cup. Currently, this is actually working fine. However, the problem is with how the game is awarding the titles for the competitions. Basically, at the moment, instead of correctly awarding the titles for the 2 competitions (League and League Cup), the game is just taking the team that ends top of the aggregate table and awards the league title to that team, which is completely incorrect. And as for the League Cup, the title just straight up doesn't get awarded to anybody. Basically, even though you will play all of the matches of the League Cup, if you win the final you don't actually win any trophy! It is so unbelievable how broken this is. The entire purpose of this game is to try and win trophies, and yet the trophies are not being awarded correctly. Imagine if this was a more popular league, like the Premier League. Imagine if there was a bug that at the end of each season, the team that finished 2nd were awarded the title. That is the level of broken we are talking. Do you think we would be waiting weeks for a fix if that bug existed? It is once again, in my opinion, an example of the ridiculous UK and European bias that SI has. They have no respect for anyone who might dare to want to play in a league slightly off the beaten path. Not everyone wants to play in England you know.
  12. Seriously when is this update coming? I was expecting numerous patches to be released over a period of time but maybe SI have decided they want to fix it all in one big update, which will take longer. Seriously though, fixing the competitions that are broken (e.g. Argentina Premier Division), and making the AI managers use subs HAVE to be priority number one. I can't believe they wouldn't be urgently rolling out a patch for these. Also if you could fix ridiculous player unhappiness (e.g. squad depth complaints). But at least give us players some idea of WHEN the patch will come. Remember, all of us here paid our actual money for this game, and we still can't play it properly. I'd argue that the announced release date is a condition of our purchase, and currently, in the view of myself and many others, the game is not truly 'released' because it is too broken. I can't get immersed into a world (which is the entire point of the game imo) if other managers won't make subs, for instance. Give us some insight into what you're working on, it might actually allay our frustrations.
  13. Yeah, that seems fair for sure. I certainly agree I'd rather it be somewhere in between the levels of the Championship and the Bundesliga. You're doing good work testing the goalscoring rates mate
  14. It's difficult though because in the Bundesliga last season there was 3.17 goals per game and so far this season there has been 3.64 goals per game. So those numbers are not too far off a higher scoring league like the Bundesliga. And if you were playing Bundesliga and there was only 2.4 goals per game it would be just as reasonable to say that it is equally unrealistic as the Championship having 3.2 goals per game. And it has to be almost impossible to replicate the quite dramatic difference in goals that exists between higher and low scoring leagues with one match engine.
  15. The 2022/23 Swiss Cup winners and runners-up are missing from the past winners of the competition. Young Boys beat Lugano in the final last season. How can something like this be missed by full release? Embarrassing. Not to mention the same problem exists with the 2022/23 edition of the DFB Pokal in Germany.
  16. How about updating us on when the broken mess that is the Argentinian league will be fixed. I feel like I am losing my mind, it's not been mentioned much on this thread but this is literally the most broken thing in the game right now, you quite literally cannot play a save in Argentina and it's two days POST release.
  17. Argentinian league is completely broken. It is not recording the champions of the league (and league cup) correctly. I'm seriously fuming, I paid good money for this game and I wanted to play in Argentina but I can't because of this horrendous error. Not to mention it has been reported very clearly on the bug tracker during the beta period (early in the beta period). If this isn't fixed within a few days I am going to get a refund. Absolutely ridiculous that this game was released in this state. Should have pushed back the release date if they weren't ready. 'Most complete FM ever' is egregious false advertising.
  18. It is 100% NOT going to be a swiss system, SI have the format correct. The teams are divided into 4 pots of 9 teams based on coefficient, and you play 2 teams from each pot (8 games total). All fixtures are determined before league phase starts
  19. Given that the jumping reach attribute of players is inexorably linked to their height, I really struggle to see why you would want height to make a difference. It's not like players are generating at 5 foot tall with 20 jumping reach. By having jumping reach consistent regardless of height, it allows us to more easily compare the aerial prowess of players.
  20. Bruh it's so easy, whichever nation you select on this screen will be your 'selected nation' (in this instance Denmark)
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