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Issue Comments posted by dpt8544

  1. 19 hours ago, bestbrother said:

    Hello mate, i love playing in the Argentine League, atm can i ask you the following:

    1 - Does this issue with history recording affect the correct teams playing in Libertadores etc?

    2 - Does it resolve itself after 'x' amount of seasons?

    3 - Does it affect board/supporter happiness?

    4 - Is the League hard coded to change in any drastic fashion to match any future changes irl?

    1. The teams playing in the Libertadores etc. are correct
    2. The issue does NOT resolve itself ever
    3. It DOES affect board/supporter happiness
    4. There are no hard coded changes

  2. On 08/11/2023 at 01:12, Kyle Brown said:

    The issue regarding the Champions is one we'll look to implement during an upcoming update. We're still awaiting further clarification regarding the second division and how it will work in subsequent seasons before we can safely include this without risk of knock on effects in longer term saves. 

    While the Early Access stage was useful to gather feedback and get a jump start on logging bugs in certain areas, it was by no means a guarentee that it would be resolved for launch I'm afraid.

    @Kyle Brown When is this gamebreaking mistake getting fixed? No mention of it from update posts. This is totally unacceptable

  3. I understand that some bugs will persist even onto the full release in a game as large and unwieldy as Football Manager. However, you seriously need to look at how you prioritize what you focus on. This issue renders an entire nation in the game completely unplayable, it's ludicrous that any respectable game developer would allow such an issue to exist in an official launch. You have nearly 300 people working at that studio, what are they actually doing? It is ridiculous you would treat paying customers this way.

  4. This is just not true - Scotland ended the 2020/21 season 11th in the coefficient rankings, which gives the domestic champions a playoff spot, which is correctly reflected in game. You are probably confused because this qualification spot can be 'upgraded' to a group stage spot if the team that wins the Champions League, and thus qualifies for the following season's Champions League, has already qualified for the next season's Champions League competition through their league position. Since it is very likely that the team that wins the Champions League would also qualify through their league position, many news sites basically ran with the story that the Scottish champions would qualify for the Group Stage, even though it is not a guarantee. The fact is, if you win the Scottish League, you will probably qualify for the Group Stage the following season, but it is not certain, and there is no mistake in the game.

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