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37 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Cardiff City

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  1. The Coeff. Rank is sorted incorrectly, e.g. 10th is considered before 7th because 1 comes before 7.
  2. There is a player I am interested in. I go Transfer > Ask agent about availability. The demands are reveals, and while the contract, wage, etc are acceptable, the transfer fee is not. From here, I can either say that the demands are fine and they should expect an offer to be made (not what I want to do) OR that the demands are not acceptable so we're going to hold off (which annoys the agent, and is not true). There should be an option here to indicate that while the demands are acceptable, the amount the club want for the player is not. This could potentially help unsettle the player and get them to hand in a transfer request. But either way, there should be an appropriate response available.
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