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34 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Schalke 04

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  1. Hey, Apologies if this is the wrong place for this, happy for it to be moved wherever it needs to be (I checked the Bugs forum and I don't think any category fits it perfectly). I manage Bochum and after I completed 2 seasons with them, I accepted the creation of a II team. Right after, I changed staff responsibilities so I control all contracts, transfers etc. The responsibilities under 'match' were untouched for the first team and U19 team. Shortly after, I started getting notifications about friendly matches being scheduled for my first team. In responsibilities this is still something I'm responsible for (assistant takes control of the games themselves, but I do the scheduling) but it still keeps happening. I changed the setting and changed it back, but it doesn't seem to work. The assistant still schedules friendlies for the first team. I remember having a similar issue in FM23 whenever I managed in Germany, again after a II team creation. There were no such issues if I got a team that already had a II team. Any help is much appreciated.
  2. Came to ask the same thing. Where do we disable contextual advice??
  3. Hey, I know this is already investigated but just in case it helps, here's my example from my save: During the Beta, when I signed two nonEU players for the summer and only had one slot, I was given the option to choose which of the two players I wanted to occupy the one available nonEU slot and be eligible to play for me. The other would either have to wait until next season or I'd have to sell a different nonEU player abroad to free up the extra slot, all of which makes sense. Now after the official game release, that option isn't there anymore. So what happened to me was I signed two nonEU players for the summer, expecting I'd have the option again but didn't have it. Also, I first signed the player who was designated to be a starter for me and only after that transfer was confirmed did I go and buy the 18-year old wonderkid who wasn't gonna play straight away anyway. Would be fair to assume since only one of the two is going to be eligible to play, it will be the player I signed first, but.. actually it was the second transfer (the wonderkid) who occupied the one slot and my first transfer has the dreaded non-eligible nonEU player icon. Thanks for investigating and looking forward to the fix.
  4. Hey, Please do let me know if this is a known issue or if it needs to be posted somewhere else, I did search for a specific Italian league thread but couldn't find one. I think there's an issue with the nonEU player registration in the Serie A. During the Beta, when I signed two nonEU players for the summer and only had one slot, I was given the option to choose which of the two players I wanted to occupy the one available nonEU slot and be eligible to play for me. The other would either have to wait until next season or I'd have to sell a different nonEU player abroad to free up the extra slot, right? This all makes sense. Now after the official game release, that option isn't there anymore. So what happened to me was I signed two nonEU players for the summer, expecting I'd have the option again but.. nada. Well, alright, thankfully I first signed the player who was designated to be a starter for me and only after that transfer was confirmed did I go and buy the 18-year old wonderkid who wasn't gonna play straight away anyway. I assume since only one of the two is going to be eligible to play, it will be the player I signed first, right? Well.. wrong. My second transfer (the wonderkid) occupies the one slot and my first transfer has the dreaded non-eligible nonEU player icon. So now I need to sell some other nonEU player from my team abroad if I want my starter to become eligible. So, two issues: a) the option to select isn't there and b) the selection of who occupies the slot isn't done in chronological order.
  5. Don’t do them ever (other than when arriving at a new club) purely because they’re way too repetitive and contain several unrealistic questions.
  6. Nope, didn’t use the squad depth screen before either.
  7. I've started a new save in the Vanarama North and, having disabled transfer activity in the first window, I just realised I'm unable to sign anyone basically this season, not even free transfers - presumably because the window is open all the way until end of March before it re-opens in the summer. I get that this is technically correct, as this is still the first transfer window for the league, but not being able to sign players even in January is probably not what the feature is there for. Perhaps a better workaround can be to set a date after which transfers can be made?
  8. I wouldn’t say it’s flaming hot for hours, it does come and go usually. But a lot of the time when it’s hot, it’s HOT! I do leave it open overnight most of the time however. Maybe shutting down the machine before I go to bed is what I should be doing. Will give it a go. Thanks for the response!
  9. Thanks for the response and yeah agreed, not ideal not to have fans. Wonder if any other MB Air M1 users experience the same? Then at least I know it’s not just mine 😁
  10. Hey, Using a MB Air with the Apple M1 chip (2020), 16GB memory. Current OS is Monterey 12.1. Both in FM 22 and during the FM 23 Beta it overheats quite frequently (although I’m playing normally, it’s not shut down at any point), which is a bit of an issue to me seeing it doesn’t have the fans. I play with main 5 leagues loaded, two tiers each, not more than that. Also it happens even fairly early in saves (4-5 seasons in). I also have zero other apps running (maybe a Safari tab to browse random stuff). I have no idea if this is expected behaviour? Feels like it should be able to handle the game a bit better?
  11. Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but it would be great to have the ability to see two-legged match stats, especially combined xG.
  12. Depending on your transfer budget, sometimes you're not able to offer high collective bonuses at the start of the season, and that makes sense. I'd like to have the ability, if past that point there's a few sales and my transfer budget goes up, to edit that and offer high bonuses to the squad.
  13. Hey, Would love to have the ability to look at how the league table looked on a given date, or after a specific # of games, both for current and previous seasons.
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