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Posts posted by Mack247

  1. In addition to keeping historic club records, player stats post retirement etc., I often use my assistant to pick my team. I use it as a method of squad rotation and to rest tired players. It would be good if you could add some extra options here. At the end of the season I will then sell/loan/demote any players who didn't get selected in enough games.

    - For example, in a game where you expect to win easily, have "rest all key players", or "play youth", or "boost morale", where the assistant chooses the squad players with the lowest morale in each position. Another could be "play fringe players" where the default would choose the players with least amount of games that season in each position.

    - For key games you could have a "play strongest 11" default.

    - Have a button to automate the assistant picking the team as a default rather than having to select it manually for each match.

    - It would also be helpful if you could select a few players of similar ability (e.g. strikers) on a "rotate" cycle so that the assistant will automatically rotate certain players on a match by match basis to ensure they are all kept happy.

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