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20 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Just wondering does the language your coaches speak really matter ? I'm currently Liverpool and about to sign an Italian coach because his stats are unreal but i don't have one Italian in the whole club player or coach, is it anything in that were it will effect the coachs performance ?? and he only speak Italian also .
  2. Anyone had this. Signed a new Center half and as he is good in the air you want him in the box for corners an free kicks but he is not showing on the set piece page on the arieal threats or box threats, his name just isnt there and every set piece he is standing on the edge of the box and i cant change it because he is only showing on the creators list. anyone had this its burning my head out and how can i fix this if anyone knows.
  3. Im currently 7th with liverpool in november but its tight im 3 points off 4th and on the dynamics page the manager support it nearly as low as it can get and my job is insecure. Ive won 8 of my last 10 games all comps aswell haha. How do i gain support as quick as possible my reputation is only half a star aswell is that going against me.
  4. Ive just done that and it removes it but gives you an unlicensed logo. Not the offical champions league one .
  5. Hello people, just need some help, ive done it in the past but forgot. ive got a logo pack but i want to remove the champions league one as i like the official one that is already on the game. what so i have to remove in the config files and the command., also would like to know how to add a specific picture aswell for future ?
  6. i would like to have the facepack on aswell as the default lower English club faces as they are licensed enyway.
  7. would really appreciate some help people. downloaded a facepack and its worked all big leagues have the faceback but it has taking away the lower league faces all together not just the picture but its also took away the default shadow face aswell as ill show in this pic. if anyone could help me i would be thankful.
  8. Other than windows defender what else is a good choice people ?
  9. Best Anti Virus for FM24 need help ? Downloaded norton 360 and its effect Football manager to much the mouse cursor very jittery so ive deleted it. would me thankful is someone to give me advice in what they think the best anti virus to use that wont effect performance. Thanks
  10. just wondering any tips, on your tactics out of possession when do you use trap inside or trap outside or leave blank ? I kind of use it sometimes but don't no why I'm using it an if its going to benefit me. any tips an when and why you use it ? thanks
  11. Just seeing if anyone can give me some help/tips to keep players happy with training. how much training is to much or to low i cant seem to get it right, I'm currently Brighton no European football so I have a full week to train I do 3 sessions a day most days but still there not happy any help ?
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