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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Coventry City

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  1. I have purchased this on Mac but does not work... help please!
  2. I think even with the latest patch, this won't be fixed - I'm not going to uninstall for the sake of it. I will just pin the 24 icon and use this to launch.
  3. This has been posted already but glad others are seeing this, it's only my OCD that can't handle this!
  4. Hi, I am using MacBook running the latest OS version, sonoma 14.1 and Apple M2. I am also getting 23 icon when adding the application to my dock, I also get the Steam icon when I add the FM24 Editor icon to the dock. Cheers
  5. I seemed to have resolved this with changing privacy settings for Steam on my Mac.
  6. Please see attached screenshot. Game not loading due to error and is not updating when in Steam, instead staying on 'resume'.
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