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Shout Mercy

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Posts posted by Shout Mercy

  1. 7 hours ago, DarJ said:

    maybe remove a few leagues and clear your shortlist 

    I only have the 4 Scottish Divisions loaded. After adding a few things to the starting database I was given a game speed of 4 stars.

    4 hours ago, prot651 said:

    Try clearing your cache 

    I have tried this but with no success. I don't want to have to start a new game every 5 seasons to combat this :|

  2. Hi, 

    I cannot see a forum for FM23 Technical Issues so I hope it is ok to post here.

    I am a couple of games into season 2029/30 but I have noticed a considerable increase in load time between days over the last half season or so. The processing time taken for the first several seasons were absolutely fine but for the latter part of season 2028/29 and continuing onto now the speed in which days progress has fallen of a cliff. It can now take up to 30 seconds to load into another day and worse if it happens to be a game day.

    I haven't made any changes to the game recently, all graphics files (skin / facepack)  were in place long before this started happening.

    Maybe it's just the amount of information in my game now that i am several seasons in but i have never had this issue in previous FM's.

    Has this occurred to anyone else? Is there a solution?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hello, apologies if this is in the wrong forum section.

    I am currently managing Celtic and I am just about to start season 2029/30, the save is a continuation of the one I started in BETA (in case that matters.


    At the end of season 2028/29 I received a message that told me I had failed in the promise to make the Youth Academy the best in the country. I'l admit that I don't really take an interest in my youth teams and let my staff take care of everything but my Under 18 team has won the Youth Champions League the last 2 seasons in a row (they have also won the Domestic Youth League/ Cups) several times too. 

    If the fulfillment of this promise is to use youth academy prospects in my Senior squad then I have an issue, that being that all my intakes have been absolutely horrendous. Not one player in any of my youth intakes so far has looked even half decent. I have made sure to invest in Youth Coaching & Facilities and my HoYD has great stats in all the right places too but it makes no difference.

    Does anyone have a clear idea of what is required to fulfill this promise? 

  4. Howdy, 

    I was going to post this in the 'Bugs' section of the forum but I'm not actually sure if it is a bug or just part of the Winter Update.

    Issue 1

    I'm pretty sure that in both previous updates (and base game) Celtic have had the correct number of squads (First Team, B Squad, U-18 Squad) but in this new update they appear to have acquired an U-21 squad. It's is a squad that I am unable to do anything with. The staff overview of this squad indicates that I can hire a full compliment of staff but the option to hire any individual for the U-21 squad is not available in a persons menu. It gives the option to hire for the three other squads (First Team, B Squad, U-18 Squad) but not the U-21. In the three seasons I have played so far in the Winter Update the U-21 squad has played a grand total of 1 game and that was a friendly. I am also unable to promote / demote players to / from the U-21 squad. The only time the U-21 squad has any players in it is if someone in my U-18 squad becomes too old they automatically get placed in the U-21's. I can then choose to move them to one of the three others squads (I put them in the B team).

    Issue 2

    Around 6 months into the first season I asked for and was granted an upgrade to my Youth Facilities. This took the rating up to 16/20 but since then I have been unable to request another upgrade, the option is simply not available. I would have thought after a further 2 1/2 seasons the request would have re-appeared at some point?

    The U-21 thing isn't really a game breaker, just an observation but the Youth Facilities has me a smidge concerned. Ideally I'd like to start a new save focusing primarily on what comes through my Youth Intake. I'm not sure exactly how much (if any) difference 20/20 instead of 16/20 would make but it has put me off starting this save for the time being.

  5. I'll take your suggestions into account, thank you. You are also correct about the draws, 0 - 0 and 1 - 1 (all of which I should have won I might add).

    I have changed the tactic slightly. I have changed both IW to RMD's and my lone striker is now a poacher. Only played 2 games like this thus far and won both 3 - 0. Plenty of chances being created and still solid defensively. I should expect as much given that I am Celtic but still, i'll take it.

  6. Thanks for the responses and apologies for my late response.

    I had another go at trying to get my favourited 4-3-3 (or 4-1-2-3) to work and I think I cracked it...sort of.

    I won the domestic treble and the Europa Conference in my first season (Celtic btw). I went through the domestic season unbeaten but I did draw 9 of the league games. Tactic was a bit of a slow burner, especially in the attacking sense. I tried like a bear to make Furuhasi my main man through the middle but it was only when I changed the striker role to Target Man (Support) that it started to bare fruit. Giougamakis(sp) ended up with 22 goals from 29 starts in the league. Only a couple of games into the new season I still feel I can get a bit more out of my attacking trio though so suggestions welcome. Defensively I'm happy enough, only conceding 11 goals in the league...not bad at all.

    Should also mention that I have not changed any of the player instructions, they are all as per the player role.

    Images are of Tactic (with starting 11 when all available) and Final League Position from previous season.



  7. Nope, not the clever name of an all conquering tactic but instead an accurate description of my losing battle with tactics in FM22.

    Good evening.

    For a good few FM's now (going back to FM17/18 at least) I have favoured downloading "plug & play" tactics from some of the many successful tactic creators going around. That includes the fellow's on SI and other FM related websites (whom shall remain nameless but we all know who they are). If it weren't for guys like Knap, TTF and some fella who created a weird Arrigo Sacchi 4-2-2-2 some years back I'd have won bugger all on FM over the years.

    This year however was going to be different, I was going to do the impossible and put together a tactic by myself that actually worked and I was somewhat successful. My tactic was a straight forward 4 - 3 - 3 (with a DM instead of an AM). I then changed the player roles to suit my ideal first 11. This meant keeping the AMR as an out and out winger and making the AML an inside forward. The two CM's were set to Support & Attack and the DM was set to DM (Support). A few tweaks of the instructions after the first few games of the season and I had it, a working tactic. I was beating the teams I expected to beat, gave my equals a good game and occasionally gave one or two of the bigger boys a scare, particularly at home. Then came grim news, I had to return to the office full time...bugger.

    FM22 was put aside for a week or so but finally it was time to get back at it. I let the game update (yup :|) and tried to continue on from where I left off but sadly the "Major Update" had a quite catastrophic impact on my simple 4-3-3. Teams that I should have and had been putting the sword were now giving me a pasting both home and away. Damned SI game says I! I went around the forums looking (but not asking) for solutions and really did try everything that had been suggested to other players with similar problems but to no success. It was after a few days (actual days, not game days) that I gave up and started scouring the forums for "plug & play" tactics. I downloaded a good few that looked good on the new ME and that weren't too much of a deviation from what I had put together myself. One by one however, they were deleted and I was back to square one. I have tried around 20/25 tactic so far and nothing and I mean NOTHING is working, This post comes after a 4 - 1 drubbing at home from a team fighting relegation.

    Is it just me struggling this year or are the fates working against me?

  8. I have two pretty decent regen fullbacks. The left back is American, the right back German (not that i think that matters). The RB normally hovers around the 6.9 - 7.5 mark but the left back never seems to go above 7, even when i give other team a doin'. This has resulted in multiple messages about the supporters / board being disappointed in his recent performances.

  9. Good afternoon, 

    I'm currently in the pre-season of season 6 of my Celtic save and i am still unable to remove the three rather naff affiliate clubs i start with. In previous FM games, they would normally become removable after 2 or 3 seasons but sadly the buggers are still there. It's giving me the option to change the affiliate type but not actually to remove them. The two affiliates i have added can be removed however.

    Is there a hidden expiry on these original three or am i stuck with getting absolute duffers coming through my Youth Candidates for ever? :(

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  10. Good afternoon, 

    i'm currently in the pre-season of Season 6 of my Celtic save and for the last few years i have received £0 for participating in the Scottish FA Cup. Whenever i play a cup game i'll get a message in the inbox that reads "Celtic have received £0 for their (insert round) match of the Scottish FA Cup". This happens even when i win the thing. It's not the be all & end all as my Celtic team is quite rich 6 seasons in but it might help people managing other teams with the same issue.


  11. I also had this issue with my Celtic save but it ha only happened the once so far (currently about to start season 6). It happened between the end of of Season 1 and the start of Season 2.  It wasn't until the last day of the Transfer window that other clubs could register players, by that point i was about 12 points clear of 2nd place so it wasn't all bad news. I'm in pre-season of Season 6 at the moment and it has yet to happen again. I suspect it is because the UK leave the EU midway through Season 1 and the Transfer protocols all go to pot...

  12. Thanks for responding Neil, I meant to update this earlier.

    I tried changing skins and the same thing applied.

    However, I have managed to resolve it. In my C:\Users folder there are two other folders. One called Home and one called Public. FM2020 seems to default to the Public folder but out of curiosity I followed the 'Home' folder tree and hey presto,  I found the tactics folder.

    It would appear it was indeed my own ineptitude that was the cause of the problem.

    Thank you for the assistance though :thup:

  13. Hello, 

    I'm not entirely sure if this a technical issue or if its just my own ineptitude but i cannot see the 'tactics' folder in game.

    I like to use downloaded tactics (because i'm legit useless and making my own) and have downloaded a few to try, however when i go to load them in game the tactics folder does not show up. I'm in the C>Users>Docs>Sports Int>FM20 folder but the only three folders that show up are Editor Data, Games & Skins (yes i have created a folder called tactics in the FM20 folder).

    I have attached a screenshot of the in game folder.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



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