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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. You can close this thread, i fixed it.
  2. I closed FM and then deleted the skin that i was currently using before redownloading it and putting it back in the skins folder. Now when i load up FM i just get a black screen when the credits have finished rolling. Somebody please help.
  3. Anyone managed to get a tune out of Enzo, he is always so average!
  4. Thanks so much for your reply. I guess I will just have to keep regularly checking the priorities and cancelled the 2 match scouting 🙄
  5. I just finished 4th and won the French Cup with Strasbourg in the first season. I have a 6m transfer budget to prepare us for a CL campaign 😅
  6. I am in control of all scouting responsibilities but every time i go to the scout priorities screen and check there is dozens and dozens of players being scouted for 2 matches rather than the 1 week scouting i have set up. Does anyone know how to stop this, its driving me insane! i only have a few scouts and reports are taking forever because of this!
  7. I'm still missing key findings in post match analysis after downloading the update...?
  8. Damn, that bad huh. His professionalism must be in the mud if he's behaving like that, I've noticed he doesn't like being criticized for training poorly. Low professionalism must affect his match performance and development because he's nit the player he can and should be, in game anyway. How is your save going, Poma?
  9. I am in control of all scouting and I'm not keeping scout reports on my shortlist up to date. Yet I always have a 100 scout reports being carried out for 2 matches on random players that I haven't requested. Does anyone know how I can stop this from happening?
  10. I would opt for Huddersfield. I would assume players will develop more if they are happy, playing well, training well and winning football matches. I can’t imagine losing every week and being unhappy will do much for a players development.
  11. Also beware of promises made during press conferences
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