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Everything posted by eenie

  1. Absolutely dismal performance. Such a lack of quality at the back and the tactic of sitting mega deep and hoofing it up to a lone striker has proved to be completely useless, unsurprisingly.
  2. We won't unless we try to get a bit further up the pitch. Defending 20 yards out all game is a recipe for disaster
  3. If Gordon hadn't broken his leg and lost a full year, he'd still be our number one imho.
  4. My God I hate ITV so much. Anthems, let's go! Naw, let's have some ads first.
  5. Yeah, it's pretty disgraceful really. I cannot believe that we are having to endure Sam Matterface here. ITV are so ****ing **** it's not even funny.
  6. Please God no We have two big problems: we aren't great up front, so those couple of chances probably won't be enough for us to get a goal against top sides, and simultaneously we're infirm at the back so sitting in against quality opponents is pretty much asking to concede. I'd much rather have a go and lose than play negatively and still lose. I might be hopelessly naive but I want to see a bit more ambition. Do not want to be going home after a couple of narrow defeats where we don't get a goal and a no score bore draw. Appreciate that this is proper heart versus head, pie in the sky chat but we're on the eve of a major tournament, let's dream a little
  7. Bobson Dugnutt & Dwigt Rortugal too.
  8. Well surely it's the FA's fault if they don't have a succession plan in place? He could have bombed out in the group stages (unlikely, I know) and resigned/been sacked or he could have won it and retired. He's also been in post for six years which is a hell of a long time for a England manager these days
  9. England notoriously not one of the big nations in football.
  10. How many of those goals were from a long ball over the top and the centre halves just stopped running and stood still watching the ball?
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