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Everything posted by eenie

  1. He's been class for Spain this tournament, but I didn't have him clearing it off the line at the death on my bingo card!
  2. Not for the Euros. Well not since 1980, anyway
  3. Yeah even if you were in favour of independence, the National would make you think twice. Everything that's petty and parochial about Scotland, so no surprise they're going with an "anyone but England" angle despite 10% of the population being English (and about 40% being Rangers fans )
  4. Aye, but which one has Sam Matterface? Only have to listen to Rio during halftime, we might have 2 hours or more of Matterface!
  5. The beeb really need to bring back the "stadium noise only, zero commentary" that they had years ago in the early days of the red button!
  6. Yeah, so much better from England today, especially in the first half. Would imagine the final v Spain will be pretty open too, should be exciting.
  7. But that would involve giving Koeman credit, and apparently everyone thinks he's pish
  8. Walker did exactly that on a Dutch player towards the end of the half, slid through him after Stones had nicked the ball away. Nothing doing.
  9. Dunno, if they can lock Southgate in the showers for the duration of half-time, I reckon England romp this. If he gets a chance to speak to them, it's going to be a long second 45.
  10. Not getting a penalty for kicking someone blocking a shot isn't getting penalised though?
  11. How ****ing lucky is Southgate Name on the trophy, it's coming home, etc etc
  12. No, no, no, you can't just do this. Pre-stats football was purely vibe-based! But while we're here, did the intern happen to get the stats for xPower and xBigChances too?
  13. No, that's a total fallacy. You could get past Netherlands playing exactly the same way as previous games without any improvement in performance. You could play turgid, ultra-cautious safety-first football for 120 mins then win on pens (and that's pretty much what I expect to happen, tbh). Might be your best game in terms of progressing through the competition but the criticism isn't about getting through the ties, it's in the way you've done it.
  14. Er, hate to break it to you but xG didn't exist back then, everything was still assessed based purely on vibes
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