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Everything posted by eenie

  1. Very harsh to blame the keeper when the defender does a no-look backpass into his own net?
  2. You're acting like he's pish and will be lucky to get back in He's top quality, the idea that his England career is in the balance is absolute balls, let alone that he's finished as an England player
  3. Yeah he's not an international centre midfielder so he shouldn't play there again, but his natural position is RB and he should have a long, long international career there. Walker can't go on much longer and TAA is his natural successor.
  4. Portuguese national anthem made much funnier by the camera zooming in on Ronaldo whilst the microphone picks up the sound of a little kid singing in a high-pitched voice
  5. What? No. Walker will retire at some point in the not-too-distant future and then TAA is in pole position to make that RB spot his own for the next decade. There's some competition there for sure but the idea that he's never playing for England again is absolutely bonkers.
  6. I doubt any team has ever had a better goal conversion ratio than us against Germany. I hate football stats and football stat nerds, but apparently we had one goal from an xG of 0.01, so that's pretty decent
  7. Yeah, if that wasn't interfering with play then I do not know what would be.
  8. I think he was fine against Switzerland. Everyone was pish v Germany.
  9. One thing I will say for Ralston is that he's capable of putting in a really good ball. But that's moot if he's never getting beyond the halfway line.
  10. Name me a better position from which to play 60 yard passes!
  11. So who comes in for the rest of the tournament? If whoever it is is going to change the style of play, formation or personnel, how long exactly do they have to bed those changes in and exactly how successful do you think that's going to be? If your answer is "well it might be better than keeping him" then that's hardly compelling.
  12. This take is so hot it melted my computer. You do not sack your manager 2 games into a tournament when you are in pole position to qualify from your group.
  13. Yeah, he gets labelled as a poacher / box striker who doesn't do much other than put the ball in the net, but that's very unfair. He's good at dropping deep and linking the play, holding the ball up and general all-round play. I actually think the biggest criticism you could level at him (at the top level) is what everyone says is his greatest strength: goals. But he still offers more than Adams in that respect!
  14. Yeah he is just not a midfielder, no matter what people may want to believe. Amazingly it's much, much harder to find enough space to play those fantastic long passes when you're starting in central midfield rather than at full-back, and TAA doesn't offer anything else as a midfielder.
  15. Everyone criticises Southgate for not being bold, but deciding to shift TAA into central midfield as an experiment for the opening of a tournament finals is, well... bold.
  16. How many times has TAA played CM for England before this Euros?
  17. Maybe he should have tried running a bit? He must be carrying an injury because he looked so static and barely broke into a jog as he ambled deeper and deeper.
  18. There were two backpasses from Hendry earlier in the first half where he wasn't under real pressure but made an absolute horse's erse out of it: one where he half-volleyed it at Mach 6 about 10 yards past Gunn, and another similar one where he had time but sclaffed it far too hard again. We don't have much ability on the ball at the back, but we still try to play it around and it's a really dangerous game.
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