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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Definitely improves with this fix 👏well done heygra! Still have a little lag when it's heavy raining. Anyway to turn off weather 😅
  2. Did you just replace the download file with the default? I'll try and report back 👍
  3. It's the digital ad boards 100%. Try a lower league stadium without them. It will be smooth 👍
  4. Anyway to disable/ delete them to see if this solves the issue 🤔
  5. Lag returned. You guys are right stadiums with ad boards causes lag. Without no lag! Also night matches causing it for me with the lighting too
  6. My lag has returned. Just checked as in the above post. Stadiums with ad boards cause lag. Stadiums without no lag! Definitely the issue. Also night games with more lighting has an affect too. DxDiag - Copy.txt
  7. Here's my settings along with Nvidia prefer max performance. Vsync on fast and triple buffering on. Seems to be running perfectly smooth.
  8. Iv found setting crowd to off or low and turning off shadows eliminates any lag for me. Annoying as my pc is more than capable of max settings. But still at least the game is now playable
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