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Everything posted by joe_johnz

  1. hello I can accept that, but it is too harsh because of the good season Fulham had. what is "to play young players"? players coming from the youth system? young players that I bought count? and what is the number of youths and how many games they have to play, so I can keep that promise? thanks
  2. hi, Just got fired from Fulham in the game 1st season after a League Cup win and finishing 6th in the Premier League, best position ever in Fulham history. Because I failed the club vision to use youths... so unrealistic in this case. Thanks
  3. yes I failed that item in the club vision, but the algorithm should have the intelligence to analyze the season overall. In this specific case it is clear that the sacked is unrealistic. one day before I get fired the board and the supporters were more than happy with my job. well... not easy thing being a manager xD I got a job in the championship with Ipswich Town..... could be worse lol
  4. you are right, but it seems so harsh and a little unreal. Imagine Marco Silva sacked after a cup win and a 6th place because he didnt use the youths.... but true to be said, from the youth system I only played Luke Harris sometimes .
  5. Hi, I am writing this with a broken heart... Just got fired from Fulham in the game 1st season after a League Cup win and finishing 6th in the Premier League, best position ever in Fulham history. Job security was "untouchable". 1 day a after the season last game:
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