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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Isle of Wight


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  1. Yet another example of poor player interaction - i agreed to loan a player to Seville, they then cancelled the loan as they couldn't loan any more players, my player now blames me for cancelling the loan and not one option lets me point out I didn't cancel the other club did. I really hope things like this are sorted in FM25 (although i won't hold my breath as they haven't been before) as it really spoils the game and makes me feel like just packing it in.
  2. Another example of poor player interaction, just had a player who is only a breakthrough prospect complaining about lack of game and reconning he deserves to play just as much as a legendary international defender, so I threaten to sell him, he says he doesn't want to leave but is happy to go out on loan, I'm happy to agree to him going on loan, but the game only gives me two possible replies both saying tough no loan, so now he is upset and I expect the squad to be upset now as well even though we've won 30 matches in a row.
  3. I hope the new version of FM sorts out player interaction and answers as they really suck at present, as they never give the option of the response I want to give so I have to choose something unsuitable and whatever I choose upsets the squad and makes players unhappy for no reason and that ends causing moral issues, for example, a player complains I left him out of the CL squad, now the reason I left him out is because he wants to leave and has demanded a transfer so I prefer to pick someone who wants to stay, another player has just signed and is one for the future then complains he wasn't picked, or a 2* new signing thinking his more valuable and a better pick than 4* and 5* world class players, I've also had new squad player signings complain about lack of matches 2 games in to the season, players complaining about being left out when they'd agreed they needed a rest etc and this all upsets established team members for some reason. Then there is the issue of players coming to demand a transfer 2 games before the end of season when we're in with a shout of winning the league and have cup finals coming up - surely to be realistic they'd wait till the close season rather than upset the squad, which happens when i tell them to wait till after the season is over, then there is players demanding transfers after the transfer window closes and those complaining about not being sold when it was them rejecting the contract offers from other clubs, or U18 or U21 players complaining to me about not being sold when I've allocated everything to the U18/21 staff - hopefully this will be sorted or at least give an option not to have to mess about with it. Update: Just had a player who wanted to leave due to lack of games come to me and say he wants to stay now as he's happy with his game time and to forget the past, so I accept his request, then 2 days later he has the hump again about lack of games and wants to leave and puts in a transfer request, no games have been played in the meantime and he has started every match when he wasn't injured, tired or suspended, so it looks like I have to play him even if injured or tired just so he doesn't moan and the squad get upset and morale plummet. Update 2: Here we go again with unrealistic player interaction - a week before the cup final (and having just won the Premier League) a player says he doesn't want to renew his contract and wants to leave, I try and persuade him to stay and he gets the hump - no way would a player bring this up now knowing he'd likely be dropped for the final, surely he'd wait till after the season was over before rocking the boat and upsetting the harmony at the club
  4. BiB I'd say it was a lot worse and these issues happen far to frequently, young players complaining about lack of matches just after signing, then the rest of the squad complaining about how the player is being treated and they should play and its my job at stake (after winning 4 league titles in a row and 2 Cl's I'm sure my job wouldn't be at stake for not playing a young player) if I don't, then when one of the players who backed them is dropped to play them he up complains about not playing and the whole circle starts again. 2* young players who have just signed as squad players or less playing time reckoning they should be picked for the CL squad ahead of 4* & 5* established international players, reckoning they're as good. Every time a player complains about something or wants a new contract they're always angry etc right at the start, never conciliatory which is how a normal person would first approach a boss rather than get their back up straight away especially when asking for a new contract. There is rarely the option to say to a player exactly why they haven't been playing. Players complaining about lack of game time 2 or 3 matches into a new season, players complaining about not playing when they've been injured or dropped due to tiredness and the squad complaining on their behalf, and every time there is a complaint it is a no win situation. Players demanding new contracts 1 or 2 matches before the end of a season or just before a cup final or title decider and upsetting the squad when IRL they'd wait till after the season was over. Players asking to leave just after a transfer window closes then complaining about lack of effort to sell them.
  5. Football Manager on ZX81 in 1983, then on the CBM64, followed by others in the 80's like The Double, The Boss, Football Director, Tracksuit Manager. 1st in the Championship Manager series was the first one on Amiga in 1992.
  6. Just about to start the 2065/66 season in FM23 (haven't got FM24 till next week) and the media side of things is so tedious even after delegating everything I can, and I get totally fed up of being asked if I'm pleased x player has scored for his country for the 50th time - what the hell are they expecting as a reply? no I'm not? 1st time he scores or gets a hat-tick then fair enough, but when you have a player who has scored over 100 international goals it gets incredibly repetitive and endless bloody messages clogging up the inbox saying x club is interested in loaning/signing x player repeated 10+ times rather than just the actual offers - recently had 38 inbox messages with only 3 worth actually reading.
  7. As per title. It's a 2 player online game and we're just coming to the end of season 29 (2051/52), Large Database and 5 nations selected (England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France) and it has been fine till this season but for some reason when trying to apply for a foreign club the option to apply was greyed out, and now all non-English clubs have disappeared from the Staff security list even though they still appear in the filter and everything is selected to be shown. The staff adverts for foreign clubs do appear on the Job Centre screen, this is on both the host pc and the client one and after restarts/reboots. I've attached a couple of screen shots, on the Job Security one I showed the filter and although it only shows part of the list, scrolling to the bottom only shows premier, Championship, L1 and L2 clubs.
  8. Not when it happens all the time and after rejecting or removing the future transfer they just constantly come back with the same offer to loan + buy when the player is listed for loan only, so when I reject it then it upsets the player who wanted to go out on loan and most of the time the transfer would work out less than half the players value anyway - I lost a very good player from my U21's when the loan manager loaned a player out with a low future fee and I didn't notice. Also if realism was the aim in the game I wouldn't be constantly asked the same pointless questions like Are you pleased to see X score in an international? every bloody time he scores a goal or ask me if I'm confident of getting a WP for a player whose contract is expiring who I put up for sale or set to release on a free.
  9. Got to agree with the OP, the transfer system is really broken with some really stupid low offers. The other issue that's pissing me off at the moment is when I'm trying to loan out players to get experience clubs keep wanting to include mandatory future fees in the deals, and when I reject or remove the future fees to make them just loans they come back with the same offer I rejected, and it's got worse since the final patch.
  10. Cheers. It has been reported as a bug by someone else a while ago but hasn't been fixed yet.
  11. I've just downloaded the editor for FM23 form Steam, I want to edit Portsmouth as they don't get an TV money when promoted to the Premier League, but I can't find them, I loaded the database and it loads 500 records, but no League 1 or League 2 clubs in England, so how do I get the right ones loaded as I can't find an option - I'm using the default database. Cheers
  12. I'm currently playing with Hamburg, 1st season top of the league and unbeaten, but I have a player who wants a new contract, but the club cannot afford and won't let me offer anywhere near what he wants, so he is unhappy, and now so are the squad who think he should have one which is unsettling the squad, yet there is nothing I can do about it as all the options in the meetings make it sound like my decision and not one option that allows me to sympathize with the players and explain its the club finances to get them on side. I also noticed this in the Portsmouth save I have which I abandoned due to a bug, as well as players always angry when starting a meeting which is unrealistic as no one starts a meeting when they want something as argumentative, and players who have just signed as fringe or backup players getting the hump when not picked straight away.
  13. I started a new game with Hamburg, and the players have just come to me saying they're not happy with my management, and the only options I get are to say are things aren't going well, yet we're top of the league with a 100% record. I've only had one unhappy player who wanted a new contract and that's it, no other issues, so I've no idea exactly what is wrong. .
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