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Posts posted by 91836

  1. 1 minute ago, MBarbaric said:

    If it wasn't counter attack, then it was indeed poor defensive shape. Note the positioning of black wingers  while the opposition plays through the middle.


    The wingers are probably set to attack duty. For whatever reason SI has again decided to make wide players sit incredibly wide without the ball when they're on attack. Very unrealistic 

  2. Just now, Svenc said:

    I think the last time there was an actual override of Forward run "instructions" was when the instruction was still a "shout" and used to be called "Exploit the middle". One of the reasons I've never used it since...

    That's all great but really has nothing to do with what I just said so I'm not sure why you quoted me. As I said, I'm seeing exactly the same issue without selecting it and with AI teams 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Svenc said:

    Has this TI been reworked by the way? It's actually oft counterproductive when trying to Play through the middle, as it would squeeze the area there. At least more recent it didn't override any Forward run instructions inherent to the role/Duty picked in central positions, which would only make this more pronounced.

    I'm finding the same issue without selecting it and for AI teams. Genuinely not sure I've seen a goal yet where the build up play didn't come from out wide that wasn't a penalty, counter attack or set piece 

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