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67 "Houston, we have a problem"


  • Biography
    American in Missouri. Know enough about football to be considered marginally ********.

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    Sporting KC

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  1. My Data Hub shows all the visuals for the Team performance. When I go to the Player tab it shows Goal Keepers and Defenders, but not Midfielders or Forwards. No visualizations are offered. I can edit, but it only shows Goal Keeper and Defender graphs.
  2. I have a view that shows a player and the opponent's XG. Some numbers are negative a few are positive. I am assuming that the negative numbers are better than the positive numbers, is that right? Another thing I have two players one that has Opponent XG of 2+ and another has Opponent XG of 0.99. These two are the only two that have positive Opponent XG on my team everyone else is negative. Why would these two players be outliers? What could I look at to show me why?
  3. I have 2 players with a lot of minutes that have an opponent XG of positive 2+. This is an outlier since most of my team has negative opponent XG. Am I correct that the positive Opponent XG is bad? What are the possible reasons these players have such a crazy Stat? My next nearest to these two are a guy with 0.99. Everyone else has negative numbers.
  4. American. Started my Football and Football Manager journey together in 2014. Learned Football and Football Manager with 2015. Played the heck out of 2020 and 2021, only played 400-500 hrs of 2022. When FM 23 was announced I looked at the new features and thought...."ehh." It didn't excite me. I didn't see anything I thought was new. It was the first time I had been disappointed in a new release of FM. So, I bought FM 23, by now it is a tradition like Christmas or any other holiday, but I didn't play the game. I set it aside. Well, watching some FA Cup (through ESPN here in America) and watching the World Cup made me load it up. I was wrong about FM 23. 1- New Stats. The new stats aren't much, but there are a lot of new stats to look at and they actually help you see what is going on with your team. 2-Scouting. OMG. It is so awesome now. My Inbox doesn't get spammed by useless crap. I don't have to micro-manage, but it I want to I can. I actually feel like a manager going to his scouting team and saying..."Hey, what can we get in the area of ...." 3- The Match Engine. Okay. I admit it. I like many when FM 23 came out was thinking we need near FIFA level graphics (never played FIFA, never will). I do still think some graphical improvements in that area would be nice. However, I see the changes they have made. Okay, I was wrong. The players move like players, they play like players. Before I was thought..."well this is a video games impression of what it looks like." Not know. The players move in realistic ways. As a Lower League Management player I also have to say that, as I watch the game, I feel like I am watching a lower league game. Players don't make the smooth runs, they don't connect as often, they hit the ball wrong. Well Done SI.
  5. Thank you for the explanation. Since he is a starter will he be able to reapply later?
  6. Up to date FM 23, no updates needed. I am Notts Co. in Vanarama National League. The game starts with CM Ruben Rodrigues on the team. He is not a transfer, at least not one the player does or has control of. He is from Portugal. I got an email saying his work permit had been denied. I appealed it. The appeal was denied. But he can still play in league games. Is this a bug or is there something I do not understand about work permits. (I am not from UK).
  7. Got an idea for a Tactic and want to see what people think. AF IW IW Mez DLP WB WB CD CD CD It kind of appears attacking heavy to me. Not sure of the roles. I think it is going to be GEN PRESS because my team has GREAT work rate and decent stamina. I have mediocre passing so I am looking for a secondary tactic that won't be as intensive as GEN PRESS, but with mediocre passing my normal ball control won't do as well. poke your holes.
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