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91 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. JLeague 3 Imabari Marcus Vinicius -> Marcus Vinícius Can't confirm this as there's little data on the player, but Vinícius (diacritic accent on the second "i") is the common spelling for this name as in i.e. Fulham's Carlos Vinícius.
  2. J-League 2 Hiroshima Carlinhos Junior -> Carlinhos Júnior https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlinhos_Júnior
  3. J-League 2 Yamaguchi Silvio Junior -> Sílvio Júnior (the diacritic accent on Sílvio's "i" is easy to miss, but that's the correct spelling for that name) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sílvio_(footballer,_born_1994) Unlike Douglas Vieira's example above, these are also misspelt on his full name.
  4. The forum is not letting me add more screenshots here, but this is about Fujieda's (J-League 2) centre-back currently in the game as "Kaua". The correct spelling is very likely Kauã. Most sources indicate "Kaua" as the name, but this is likely to be a simplification as Kauã is the common spelling for that name - it's likely they're all incorrect & that eFootball/PES's database is accurate. https://www.pesmaster.com/kaua/efootball-2022/player/158954/
  5. Adding more misspelt Brazilian names here, not to flood the board with more threads. The correct spelling should've been Léo Ceará. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Léo_Ceará
  6. Hey everyone, Hiroshima's Douglas Vieira's common name is misspelt as the Spanish-sounding "Viera" instead of the proper Portuguese surname "Vieira" as i.e. Arsenal's Fábio Vieira. Interestingly enough, the full name's correct.
  7. That would be fine, I'd be happy to go back and troubleshoot any fields with no compatibility. At least I could do something in advance.
  8. This isn't exactly on topic, but I guess asking here would still be much better than opening a new thread! With the info that FM24 will allow us to continue FM23's careers, do we know if that also extends to custom databases? I've been holding on going for a project because FM24 looms ever so slightly closer, but would definitely move forward with it if I can just continue it then.
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