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147 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. Just how the term rest defence has become trendy when in fact it’s always existed.
  2. No, that’s the only role that’s hard coded to do so
  3. Not sure what you’re trying to achieve? You say you want to make a target man tactic but your instructions suggest otherwise
  4. The only way I’ve played since Fm10, I only get through a maximum of 3 seasons per iteration but anything more than that becomes unrealistic to me anyway.
  5. Strange you’re saying this here when there are other threads at the moment doing the same thing.
  6. How about re-visit the other 199 threads you have on this subject where you have ignored the advice given.
  7. Even with both wing backs flying forward you can still keep 4/5 players back covering. A lot of the time they don’t seem to fly forward at the same time anyway,
  8. Very true, that sort of set up as worked extremely well for me in the past
  9. Not if you’ve got players covering for them, can work very well
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