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Posts posted by TheGame32

  1. I am having the exact same issue.

    And the post that was linked to:


    On 18/12/2020 at 16:08, krlenjushka said:


    does not seem to offer a solution to this specific issue as it seems to pertain to Ligue 2, and not the Premier League Professional Development League. For some reason this issue pops up as soon as I change the rules to advanced. Its fine without the additional rules, its still fine with the basic rules, but when I change to Advanced Rules (without even making a single change), it shows this issue. 


    If some could explain what to change to fix this issue, that would be greatly appreciated. Maybe @Flik can assist here, as he did in the other (linked above) message? :)

  2. 5 hours ago, Bigpole said:

    I think the suitable word is intimidated, not afraid.

    Advanced rules are great, but the problem with them is they are complicated and nomenclature used in advanced rules is simply different than 'usual' language. Like fate actions, child competition, hidden stage, you don't use it in everyday language dont you :D

     I am inclined to agree with the first statement, its more intimidating then scary. The first time I used the editor (was I think either 14 or 15), I only used it to add my sons. But curiosity got the better of me and as the years progressed, I started dabbling in it more and more. Now, before I start the game it self, I set up my own custom database (with some of my old-school favorite players, some club legends, my own custom team with stadium and all, and edit a few advanced rules). I am no master at it, like, at all (as is evidenced with one of my more recent questions), but I am having fun messing about with it. It is truly amazing all the things I could add, removed and/or alter.

  3. Good day to all you awesome people,


    I have a weird issue. As I like to do, I created my own team (with stadium, custom players, staff, etc) and swapped it out with Crewe Alexandra. And all is fine. But then when I go into the advanced rules, I get the errror below. Even without making one change to the advanced rules, I get this:



    I googled this error, and found only one post (that linked to here: 


    And I am unable to find the solution elsewhere. Does one know how I can sort this issue and make some rule-changes, please? But when I swap my created team out and Crewe back, it does work. I know I am missing something, somewhere (and probably quite obvious), but I can't seem to locate. So, I humbly ask you people for help.


    Thank you all in advance. :)

  4. Goodday to you all,


    many apologies if this is in the wrong section, as I wasn't sure if this would in the Editor's Hideout or the Bug Forums. Staff, if its in the wrong forum, please move it. Thanks! So, on to my issue:

    I was very pleasantly surprised to see the editor available today on my Steam list. But then when I clicked it and tried to install it, I got this error:



    Any idea what the issue is? Is the editor supposed to be out yet?

    Many thanks in advance! :) 

  5. 15 hours ago, FrazT said:

    Unless things are different this year ( which I doubt) the editor will not be released till the full game is also released so that will be later in the month

    Awesome, thank you so much for your quick response, I appreciate it!


    Have a great weekend!

  6. On 14/10/2019 at 22:44, FrazT said:

    To confirm that the editor is not usually released with the beta.

    And this is the case this time as well?

    Is there any rough estimate as to when the editor will be released? I am asking but I just bought the game and wanted to use the BETA-period to start creating my custom database (custom team, stadium, players, along with some classic players/legends and kits). I figured I'd do this during the BETA so I'd be ready to rock once the final edition launches! :D


    Any news would be highly appreciated, thanks in advance, @FrazT

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