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Posts posted by _neallyons_

  1. On 20/04/2022 at 13:37, Miquel said:

    I think a lot of us would love a video starting a save and walking us through all the aspects you consider important during pre-season (assessing the team, signing staff members, creating the tactics, setting up squad views, setting up training,  how many leagues you load, etc.)

    Also I would like to know your opinion on the website guidetofm.com. Do you ever use it?


    I can't stop playing FM2018 since your CAIXA post. I find the new versions too slow, too many things to consider.

    I am an absolute fan. You should have a patreon.



    Fm18 for me was the best version of FM to date, very hard to beat.

  2. Hi all, 

    I have not enjoyed an FM as much as FM18, i have tried 19/20/22 (missed buying 21) - but i just dont enjoy them the same way i enjoyed 18, i think it was the pinnacle of FM in terms of match engine, tactics creator and user interface. I would absolutely LOVE a more recent database if anybody knows of one?

    Thanks in advance,


  3. 19 minutes ago, XaW said:

    You seem to be using some kind of skin, so my guess would be that the skin creator has removed it. You should probably ask the creator about it.

    To make sure, try to use the normal skin and see if it happens then, if it don't, then the skin creator needs to fix it. If the error remains, please log it in the bug tracker.

    i am using a skin but it was there the whole time i have been using this skin... iv swapped back to the standard skin and its still not there so something has changed or been altered/selected im sure there is a way to get it back but i dont know how?

  4. 5 hours ago, FMEnhanced said:

    You can change the background if you extract the skin with the Resource Archiver, though it is not officially supported by the skin.

    I have experimented with several different background methods and even extracted the game data from and old FM. I got something working that looked good, though nothing was as great as the regular, static background. For that reason, backgrounds will not be officially supported by FME. My apologies.

     im happy with the way it is now tbh! its a cracking skin! thanks again!

  5. On 17/11/2021 at 17:45, giglet13 said:

    Ok I've successfully done th is, for others (probably a little bit of a fudge) the file is below for this set up on the Panels

    This text was added to enable to selector :

      Hide contents

    <container file="background_selector/backgrounds" >
     <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
     <list id="get_properties">
     <record get_property="MatS" test_mode="equal" value="true" skip_if_null="true" />
     <record get_property="Ma3D" test_mode="equal" value="true" comparison_mode="or" skip_if_null="true" />
      <integer id="set_property" value="hidn" />
    <widget class="picture" file="backgrounds/overlay/30" scale_picture="true">
    <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="false" />

    Then this code, much further down alongside the area the Backroom Advice popups are added:

      Hide contents

    <!-- Graphics Options-->
                                    <widget class="menubar_icon_button" appearance="buttons/custom/interface/navigation bar/button1" cant_be_toggled="true" fixed="true" icon="icons/26px/bs" width="40">
                                        <record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="heffem" />
                                        <record id="secondary_icon_properties" red_replacement="heffem" />
                                        <event id="click_event" event_id="kev3" />
                                        <attachment class="event_relay_attachment" event_id="kev3">
                                            <record id="action_event">
                                                <flags id="event_id" value="show" />
                                                <flags id="event_target" value="bgs1" />

    This achieves the Background selector positioned as per screenshot below beneath the continue button:


      Hide contents



    As long as you've then set up a background selector folder/configs, the Global Panels and Backgrounds themselves numbered appropriately - all good.

    client object browser.xml 16.18 kB · 5 downloads

    Can you show me your folder setup for this to work please?

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